“Dude, I’m hard for her twenty-four-seven. I don’t count,” Neo says with a shrug.

Harlow and I grin at each other as she releases my thumb from her mouth, and we turn our attention to the two of them. Neo gets up out of his chair and heads over to Axel. “Stand up.”

“What?” Axel looks up at him with an annoyed, confused look.

“I wanna prove a point. Stand up and show us you don’t have a raging hard-on right now.”

“Fuck off,” Axel growls, and Harlow giggles.

“He does,” Harlow says. “But it’s not just because of me,” she explains, looking at Sam who's as bright as a tomato. Sam moves his hand from under the table and puts them where we can see them, making Harlow giggle again.

Neo looks between Axel and Sam a moment before it clicks. “Ah, man. Why can’t I have an under the table grope?” Neo whines.

“You’re my cousin, you perv,” Axel says, actually looking horrified at Neo.

Harlow bursts out laughing, and Neo grins. “Not by you. Sorry, your boobs aren't big enough for my liking. And I’m not really into facial hair,” Neo says nonchalantly.

Axel looks to Cass. “How are we all blood related? Like really, was he adopted?”

“Alright, alright. Enough of the cock talk at the table,” Harlow chastises. “Evie has no interest in those.” Harlow looks at Evie and winks. Evie laughs and shakes her head.

“I’m going to find, little-miss-money-maker and get her ready for our girl’s day,” Evie says, getting up and coming over to us. She leans over and gives Harlow a sweet but heated kiss that has her face almost matching her hair color. “Have fun. And tell Queenie to go get ‘em.”

“Oh, we will.” Harlow grins.

“What did she mean by that?” I ask Harlow as she moves to completely straddle my lap.

“Well, it’s been a good month or so since we found out who was selling the drugs. We’ve put a stop to it, for now, but we can’t risk them picking back up where they left off. So, we're putting our plan in motion.”

“And that is?” I ask.

“Well, life has been so busy, and Queenie has taken more of a back seat these days. There hasn’t been a D-Day in a while. And because of these fuckers who thought they can mess with my city and kill a bunch of kids, I won’t have time for one until each of them are caught.”

“But, we have to be careful how we deal with them because if they catch on that we know who they are, then they’ll leave and go back to Mexico. That would be very inconvenient to me because I don’t have time for another fun trip, and there’s no way in hell I’m letting them leave here alive. So, we’ve decided that we're gonna start collecting them one by one. And when we have them all, we will have an epic D-Day party.” Harlow grins wickedly.

“Collect them?” Cass asks. “And put them where?”

Harlow looks at him over her shoulder. “In the cells, duh.”

“Cells?” Axel asks. “What cells?”

“Oh, my naughty Queen, have you been keeping secrets?” Neo asks playfully.

“Have I never mentioned them before?” Harlow asks, then shrugs. “I guess I haven’t really put them to much use. I don’t usually keep my playdates for long. I just tie them up until I’m ready for them.”

“How are we going to get them?” I ask.

“I’m so glad you asked,” Harlow says, looking back to me. “How do you feel about you and me hanging out for the day, then Queenie can come out to play.”

“Sounds like just the kind of day I’d love.” I smile with suspicion. “What do you have in mind?”

“Well there's this new restaurant I’ve been dying to go to. Then you and Queenie are gonna pay dick-head-number-one a visit.”

“I wanna kidnap someone with Queenie too,” Neo grumbles.

“Oh, don’t worry. You’ll all have the pleasure of having a fun date night with Queenie. There's four of you and four of them.”

“Never in my life did I think kidnapping a grown man on a date would be in the cards for my future,” Axel says.