Chapter 19


There's never a dullmoment in this house, and this morning is no exception to that.

“Get back here!” Rosie yells from somewhere down the hall. The sounds of Daisy’s quacks along with Mr. Bacon’s snorts and squeals fill the house, getting closer by the second.

“Stop that pig!” Rosie yells again. Cass looks over at us where we are seated at the kitchen table, with a raised brow, but I just shake my head. I have no idea what's going on now.

“How about you stop that duck!” Neo argues back.

“Mr. Bacon stole my candy bar!”

“Well, Daisy bit him in the ass.”

“Bad word!” Rosie yells as the two animals come crashing into the kitchen. Evie almost trips over Mr. Bacon as she moves to sit down. The pig runs under the table to escape the devil duck who looks like it’s her goal to have him for lunch.

“Fine,” Neo huffs as he and Rosie rush into the room. “I’ll give you ten bucks if you get that evil little thing away from my sweet baby.”

“She’s not evil!” Rosie says as Daisy follows after the pig.

“Ouch!” Cass hisses, jumping back in his seat. “She bit me.”

“Fuck’s sake,” Axel curses as he does the same thing.

I’m about to start laughing at the two when she gets me next, nipping at my ankle. “Damn it,” I groan, reaching down to rub at the now sore spot. “Can we please go one day without having animals taking over this house?”

“Nope,” Harlow says, walking into the room. She’s dressed in all black today. Shorts, crop top, and sneakers. Her long black hair is in a high ponytail. “I love the madness. It soothes my soul.” She bends over to pick up Daisy, all of us making sounds of approval as the shorts hug her ass. When she stands up, she looks at us with a playful smile. “You're naughty. I love it.”

She pets Daisy before handing her over to Rosie.

“Come here, baby. Daddy won’t let her hurt you,” Neo says, scooping the pig up into his arms.

Rosie walks over to Neo, stopping before him and holds out her hand. “Ten bucks,” she says, making the ‘give me’ motion with her hand. “And I’ll make sure my sweet girl stays away from your food stealing pig.”

I crack a smile at the feisty little thing she's become. Before Harlow, Rosie was this scared little girl. She hardly talked, and it was rare to really see her smile. But ever since Harlow decided that Rosie was her little girl, and Queenie rid Rosie of her monsters, she’s grown into a confident, smart, and very sassy little girl.

Times like this, when she gives Neo her all, I love it. “You're a con artist,” Neo mutters as he takes his wallet out of his back pocket and places it on the counter. He digs until he finds a ten dollar bill and hands it over.

“Thank you.” She beams up at him. “And I like to call myself a smart business woman.”

“That's my baby,” Harlow says, moving over to take Axel’s coffee.

“You know, I should just start making two cups every time because you just take mine,” Axel grumbles.

“Then I would have two coffees.” She grins down at him before kissing him on the cheek. But she doesn’t sit down next to him, or even on his lap like she normally does. Instead, she comes over to me. She takes a sip of the coffee, placing it down on the table before turning to the side and taking a spot on my lap.

“Hi, Daddy,” she purrs, taking the nickname a little further this time. But it has my cock hardening under her perfect ass, so there's no way I can deny what it does to me. Her smile widens, and she shifts her weight so she can wrap one of her arms around my shoulder, making me swallow a groan. The closer I look, the more I can tell that she isn’t fully Harlow right now. It’s like she's hovering on the line.

“If you don’t stop moving, you're gonna make family breakfast really awkward,” I murmur. My hand comes up, and I brush my finger under her lip to get the drop of coffee off. Her head moves forward, and she takes my thumb between her teeth, biting down before sucking it into her mouth. Her tongue swirls around it, and I really wish it was my cock between those lips right now.

“Fuck,” Neo groans as he takes a chair at the table next to Cass. I don’t look away from the hungry look in Harlow’s eyes, but can see almost everyone out of my peripheral vision. They are all watching, probably as turned on as I am. “Too late,” Neo says. “Boner alert.”

“For fuck’s sake, Neo,” Axel mutters.

“What? You can’t tell me that if she was on your lap, you wouldn’t be hard as fucking stone right now.”

“She’s not even onyourlap!” Axel barks.