“Exactly,” Harlow says, pointing a chicken wing at Axel. “Maybe with Axel and I, some day, but what I have with Sam... it’s separate like my relationship with Evie. Evie will never be naked around you, ever,” she warns.

Leaning over, I grab a napkin and wipe the corner of her lip. “My love, you are the only woman for me. The only one I want to see naked, to love, care for, and support in any way you need. I have no need to have Evie involved in anything other than being a good friend.”

“Good,” she says, taking another bite. I can’t help but smile at the jealous streak she has going on.

Queenie is a look-at-my-man-and-die kind of person. She acts first and kind of just puts it behind her. But Harlow is a little more... human when it comes to those kinds of things and I like it.

The way she was at the pottery studio the other day... fuck me, that was hot. Although, with what Rosie said to the lady, it has me wondering just how much she knows about her mother.

We make sure not to talk about what they do for a living, and what kind of things they get up to around her. But Harlow and Queenie have very dominant personalities, and I know Rosie has been witness to her mother putting people in their places.

“Look, we can’t change the past. The best we can do is make right now count. We’re all with the woman we’ve been pining after for years. Sure, she’s a lot more crazy than before, but that just adds to her charm.” I grin over at Harlow who gives me a proud smile back.

“Well, for what it’s worth... sorry I’ve been an asshole to you all these years,” Axel tells me.

“It’s kinda just who you are now,” Harlow says. “A big, hairy asshole.”

“And you're a batshit, crazy, little spider monkey,” Axel counters back.

“I know what you are, but what am I?” Harlow mocks.

“I just told you.”

“Yeah, well... fuck you!” Harlow snaps back, wiping off her hands and face.

“Bend over and I will,” Axel says, chuckling before getting up to take his turn. He grabs an axe from the bucket and moves to take his shot.

Just as Axel is about to throw, the projected image on the target changes to Pennywise the clown with his mouth wide open and all his teeth showing.

Axel screams like a little girl, and it echoes throughout the room as he tosses the axe, sending it flying, and completely missing the target.

Harlow bursts out laughing so hard she starts to snort as she gasps for breaths. I can’t hold back my own laughter and join in along with her.

“What the fuck was that?” Axel roars, spinning to face us. His chest is heaving, and his face is bright red with fury. “You are a fucking evil bitch!”

That sobered Harlow up fast. “Don’t fucking call me evil,” she growls moving over to Axel and stepping up to him.

“Then stop pulling this kind of shit,” Axel snaps back, stepping into her. She’s short, having to crane her neck to look up at his face as he towers her. Whatever banter they have between them, I think it’s some kind of foreplay to the both of them.

I just sit here and watch it play out, not bothering to stick my nose where it’s not wanted. Although, a part of me wouldn’t mind seeing Queenie pay us a little visit to put Axel in his place.Stubborn fucker.

“I can do whatever the fuck I want. Don’t like it, tough shit! What are you gonna do about it?” She smirks up at him.

“Smack that ass until it’s bright red like the naughty girl you are.”

Her eyes flash with something other than anger.Heat.That kind of comment would have gotten him stabbed by Queenie. Or at the very least he’d be the one over her knee, getting his ass red and thanking her while she did it.

But Harlow? She looks like she might like that idea.

“I’d like to see you try,” she says, her voice barely a whisper. Axel’s nostrils are flaring now and not in anger.

Looks like this date is gonna end how Harlow was hoping for. Because all I wanna do right now is go over there and tease her with my brother; to have her begging us to fuck her until she’s screaming our names.

“I think it’s time we go. How about you?” I ask.

They say nothing, continuing to stare at each other. Just as I’m about to speak again Axel moves, grabbing Harlow and spinning her around. He pushes her against the wall, ripping her shorts down, and a loud crack sounds as his hand comes down on her ass.

“Naughty girls get punished,” Axel says, stepping close to Harlow. He pins her against the wall, grinding his cock into her ass.

I find my own rising to attention, seeing that we’re not leaving this place before we’re all dripping in sweat and each had an orgasm or two.

Axel steps back, waiting for what Harlow is going to do. She steps out of her shorts before turning around slowly. Holding my breath, I wait to see what she does. I can see the look of worry on Axel’s face, like he might have taken it too far.

And I’m almost positive he has when she slaps him across the face. I’m about to intervene so no one gets hurt when Harlow launches herself at him.