Chapter 16


“Anything new?” I askEvie as I enter her office. She looks up from her laptop, her glasses perched on the bridge of her nose.

“Well, hello to you too,” she laughs, pushing her glasses up.

“You're right, how rude of me.” I give her a predatory grin as I prowl over to her and around her desk until I’m standing next to her. She spins her chair so that I can lean over her, my hands on the arms of her chair. “Hello, sexy.” Her mouth parts, and her pupils dilate as I take her lips with mine. Slipping my tongue in her mouth, I caress hers. She lets out a little sexy moan.

“As much as I'd love to have some office fun time,” she says, panting as she breaks the kiss. “I was just about to call you, actually.”

“Oh yeah?” I ask her, turning to perch myself on her lap.

“I found out who’s been dealing the drugs,” Evie tells me, bringing up a photo on her laptop.

“Really?” I ask, excitement filling my tone. I’ve put a stop to the drug dealings for the most part. Once it got out that people were sniffing around parties looking for it, less cases started to show up. We’ve put out a rumor that it's the police, not me. But like most crime lords, they seem to think they are invincible when it comes to the law. So now, it won't be too long before they wait out the police and start dealing again.

But that’s not gonna happen. Because I have a fucking genius of a girlfriend who found them.

“Does the name Los Discipulos Del Diablo sound familiar? It translates to The Devil’s Disciples,” she asks me. I look at the screen, at a photo of a Mexican man. He doesn't look familiar, but the name does.

“Yeah,” I say, looking at her with a grimace. “Queenie may or may not have used some of their men in her hunger games re-enactment.”

“So what, are they here looking for revenge?” Evie asks.

“Not sure,” I tell her. “I didn’t kill any higher ups within the gang. They run all of Mexico. I collected random members I found in local towns, making sure they weren’t anyone important. Not that I wouldn’t want to take over and mow every fucker down. But I knew I wasn’t going to be there forever, and a job like that would have taken time. So, I just picked off the weaker links.”

“Do you think they found out who was killing their men and now they’ve come to your territory to get their revenge?”

“Oh, I know for a fact that they knew who was killing their men. They even sent teams to try to take the great Queenie out, but of course that never happened. It was fun for us though.” I grin.

“This guy,” she looks at the screen. “He’s not the leader of the gang, but he is one of the higher ups. His name is Diego Rodríguez. He runs the Tijuana chapter.”

“Right on the border,” I tell her. “So, Santiago García is too fucking chicken to take me on by himself. He’s holding up in his fancy ass mansion, and sends someone else to do his dirty work. Like fuck if I’m gonna just sit here, letting him come onto my territory and make a mess of it. At least I handle my problems myself. And that's exactly what I’m going to do. Who else runs this chapter with Diego? Because I know there's no way he would come up here by himself with only some lackeys.”

“From what our people know, it’s Diego Rodríguez, José López, Luis Sánchez, and his brother Ángel. As well as a good fifty of their people.”

“Alright.” I nod, thinking of what to do next. “Do we know where they’re holed up?”

“An abandoned warehouse outside LA. Some people have been seen coming and going, but not often. Although, there have been sightings of one of the main four going to a motel not far from the warehouse with random women.”

“Of course.” I roll my eyes. “Hey, let's kill innocent teenagers. But in our free time, why not get our dicks wet?”

“Do you expect anything else when it comes to these monsters?” Evie starts to nibble on her lip, and I know she's holding back on something.

“E, what's up?”

She lets out a sigh. “So, when I found out they’ve been going to the motels with women, I wanted to make sure that...well, these women were willing. So, I’ve tracked them down.”

God, this girl never ceases to amaze me.Heart of fucking gold. I don’t deserve her, but I wouldn’t give her up for the world. “And were they?”

“Most of them,” she confirms. “But, some of the camera feeds show them pretty beaten up.” Her shoulders drop, looking defeated. “I offered the ones who wanted help some money to get on their feet. I didn’t know what else to do for them.” Her eyes tear up. “They’re all street workers with no real homes to go to, so I thought that maybe if I can get them at least off the streets, then it would give them a better chance at not being forced into something they don’t want. I know they get paid for sex, but these girls... They were promised money, and when they found out they weren’t going to get it, they tried to leave. That’s when one of these sick fucks took it upon themselves to take away their choice. I’m sorry,” she says, her voice cracking as tears slip from her eyes.

“What do you have to be sorry for, baby?” I ask her, moving to straddle her lap as I take her face into my hands. “You helped them the best way you knew how. There's nothing to be sorry about.”

“I used your money without asking you. You trust me with your finances, and I abused it.”

“No.” I shake my head. “This isn’t my money anymore. It’s always beenyours and mine. And now that I’m with the guys, it’s theirs too. They’ve tried to pay me back for getting their company up and running again, but I’ve just been donating that to charities.” I grin, and she smiles at that. “But that's our little secret.” I wink.