“Yeah, but kids and breakable things shouldn’t go together,” he said, looking at me with a raised brow and a grin.

“Yeah well, our kid’s a fucking angel,” I tell him, looking over at Rosie who’s admiring the painted pieces in the window.

“I wouldn’t go that far.” Cass chuckles as he turns to our daughter.

“Compared to most kids her age, she’s a fucking saint. Most kids are little crotch goblins who terrorize their parents until they have to lock themselves in the bathroom, telling them they are taking a shit, while really they’re sitting in the bathtub eating a pint of ice cream.”

“Mama. Let’s go!” Rosie says, rushing over and grabbing a hold of my hand to pull me towards the door.

We enter the shop, a little bell on the door announcing our arrival.

“Hello. Welcome to It’s a Good Day for Clay. I’m Patty, what can I help you with?”

“Hi,” Rosie says excitedly. “We wanna paint!”

“Well, I think I can help with that. Want to come with me, and we can pick out what you want to paint?”


She looks to Cass, her eyes taking him in appreciatively, making a feeling of possessiveness and stabbiness bubble up inside me. “We ask you to pay once you pick out your piece.”

“Makes sense,” Cass says. “You don’t want someone to break something, then try to skip out without paying.”

“Smart man.” She gives him a flirty smile. Fuck this blonde bitch acting like I’m not even here, hitting on my man. “Alright little one, let’s go see what you would like.” When Rosie and Patty leave, I turn to Cass and give him a death glare.

“What?” he asks, his brows pinching in confusion.

“She was flirting with you,” I growl.

“What?” he asks, looking in the direction they took off in, then back to me. “No, she was just being nice.”

“Yeah, nice enough to want to suck your dick,” I snap.

A slow grin takes over his sexy lips. Wrapping his arm around my waist, he pulls me to him so that my body is pressed up against his. “Is my baby jealous?”

“What? No,” I grumble, refusing to look away from him. His smile grows, and he’s lucky I love him or I would have dick punched him right about now.

“Yes, you are. And wanna know something?” he teases, leaning in so that his lips brush against my ear. “It’s fucking hot. So damn sexy that you’re possessive of me, Harlow.” He nips at the shell of my ear, making my whole body shiver. “But you have nothing to worry about. I only have eyes for you and my Queen. The loves of my life. No other woman could ever compare. They are mere pebbles compared to the diamond you are.”

“She’s right about one thing,” I tell him as he brushes his lips against my cheek, moving towards my lips.

“Yeah, what’s that?” he murmurs against my lips.

“You are a smart man. Saying all the right words.” He kisses me hard, making me moan into the kiss. Fuck, I’m about ready to take him right here and now. How hot would it be to fuck like crazed animals and fucking destroy this place? I’d love to see the bitch’s face when we’re done.

“Mama, look!” Rosie’s voice has us breaking apart. She holds up a tea cup and plate. “I’m gonna paint these for Uncle Neo because he loves to play tea party with me and Mr. Bacon.”

“You’re so sweet, baby girl,” I tell her.

“What about you?” the blondie addresses Cass again, like I’m not even here. “What might a strong, strapping man like you want to paint?”

“I,” I start, stepping in front of Cass, “would like to paint a plate.”

“Oh,” she says, blinking at me like a deer in headlights, as if she just noticed I was here. “Of course. Lots of plates. It’s our most basic thing here.” She gives me a fake friendly smile.

“Excuse me,” Rosie says, getting the lady’s attention.

“Yes, dear?” she asks, smiling down at Rosie.