Chapter 15


After the talk withSam last night, I showered then went to Evie’s room. It was fun using a ball gag to try and muffle her screams as I fucked her so good she was a pile of jelly.

Once she fell asleep, I went to see Neo. I found him on his bed cuddled up with Mr. Bacon. He said he couldn’t sleep until he saw me. I knew he wanted to make sure I actually came home, and I hated that Triver made him worry that every time I leave his sight, I might not come back.

Hopefully, with time he’ll see that nothing will keep me from him or the others, if Queenie and I can help it.

We sat and talked as I got my own Mr. Bacon cuddles in, I told him about the addition of Sam. He didn’t seem too happy about it at first. There was a lot of grumbling and pouting, but after I put Mr. Bacon to bed and rode him like my own personal pony, he started to come around to the idea. He’s so used to being the main guy in my life it’s going to take him a while to accept that he’s not the only one anymore. I’m sure Queenie will whip him into shape next time she gets her hands on him. And he’ll love every moment of it.

I didn’t tell him about Axel and Sam because it’s not my place nor is it a part of my relationship with him. Relationship. How the fuck did I get to this point? Just a year ago, the idea of being committed to anyone would have had me laughing until I pissed myself, but now? The idea of not having these people in my life, in my heart, in my bed, fills me with feelings I don’t especially enjoy.

A snort and a wet nose nudging my face has my eyes snapping open. I grin as Mr. Bacon licks my cheek and I look over to see Neo still fast asleep.

An idea forms in my head, and I have to try to stifle my giggles as I sit up. “Wanna wake up Daddy?” I ask the pig in a soft whisper. He gives me a little snort in reply. Picking him up, I move his little head over to Neo. Mr. Bacon starts to lick Neo’s face, mostly his lips, and the sight has me almost bursting.

“Oh, you are a dirty little Queen,” Neo mumbles. “Mmmm. You feel so warm and wet.” Neo puckers his lips and kisses Mr. Bacon. That’s when the pig lets out a big snort with a squeal, making Neo’s eyes fly open. The look of shock and alarm has me cracking. I burst out laughing so hardIstart to snort.

Neo turns his eyes to me. “Haha, so funny. I would kill for Mr. Bacon, but it’s not that kind of love.”

“Oh, I thought it was adorable.” I grin.

“Yeah? I’ll show you adorable,” he growls, throwing the blanket off me. I laugh harder and move to get off the bed, rushing to the door. “Running just makes it more fun!” he calls back to me as I head towards the voices in the kitchen.

“Morning!” I shout to anyone in the room as I slide into the space, my eyes finding the basket of muffins. I grab it and turn just in time to see Neo rushing into the room. He looks around until he finds me, a predatory grin taking over his face. I give him one of my own before I start pelting him with muffins.

“Ouch!” he shouts as I hit him in the face, the gut, and then the dick. When I run out of muffins, he races towards me. I let out a squeal as I race around the table, hiding behind Dean.

“Help me, Daddy Dean! The big, bad beast is trying to get me.”

Dean chuckles. “You're not the one I worry about, my love. You can slay the beast. You always do.”

A wicked smile takes over my face. “You’re right,” I say, eyeing Neo who’s on the other side of the table. I pick up Dean’s pancakes that are smothered in whipped cream and launch them at Neo’s head. Neo curses, his hands reaching up to brush the food off of his face, and I use that moment as the perfect distraction. Using Dean and Axel’s shoulders as leverage, I get up on the table and launch myself onto Neo’s back like a spider monkey.

“Victory is mine!” I crow as I put him in a headlock.

“Dada, why does Mama and Uncle Neo get to play with their food, but you tell me not to?” Rosie questions, and I turn my head to look at my little girl entering the room with Cass behind her. He looks at me, his lips twitching and a brow raised as he takes in the mess.

“Because Posie Bear, sometimes adults get to do things little ones don’t,” Cass says looking down at her.

“Fine,” Rosie pouts, then looks at us. “I’m not cleaning this up.” She juts her chin out looking at Neo.

I laugh, sliding off Neo’s back and going over to her. I pick her up and put her on my hip. “Don’t worry, neither will I.” I wink.

Neo complains the whole time as he cleans up the mess. I should feel bad because I’m the one who made it, but he did get me going.

As Rosie and I make french toast, Sam and Evie make their way into the kitchen. Turning, I smile, locking eyes with Sam. He blushes, giving me a small smile of his own before turning to Axel. Sam’s blush deepens as our sexy Viking man takes Sam in, looking at him like he hung the moon. As if Axel can feel me watching, he looks to me, giving me the same look, only much more heated.

“Here, baby. Take these out back and eat outside with Daisy,” I tell Rosie, handing her a bowl of strawberries and her plate of french toast. “You know how messy she can get with these.”

“Okay,” Rosie says. “Daisy!” she calls out. A moment later, the little one comes waddling in, quacking up a storm. “Come on, Mama got you strawberries.”

Rosie leads Daisy out back, and I turn to my table of lovers. How odd is this?

“So, Neo and Evie already know.” I look to Cass and Dean who are looking at me with curiosity. “Sam and I... are together. How do you feel about that?” Not that I’d let them tell me what to do, but it’s the decent thing to hear them out.

“Want me to be honest?” Cass asks.