Chapter 12


The way my men arelooking at me right now fills me with such power. Their eyes are fixated on me like I’m the most radiant thing they’ve ever laid eyes on. Because... Well, I am. Sue me, I know my worth, and I’m the best damn thing that’s ever happened to them.

But the thing that has my heart racing a little faster this time, as I sing and move to the music, is Axel. Before, when my eyes would land on him while I was performing, I was met with a look of lust, longing, but it was mixed with a heavy feeling of loathing, because he was feeling those things.

Now, when he looks at me, it's like I’m the center of his universe, and it’s taking everything in him not to climb up on this stage to fuck my brains out while everyone watches.

That idea has a fire growing in my belly. I don’t always fuck after a dance, only if I’m fueled up on the high of the night. And Neo became our go-to person for me and Queenie because he was the perfect person for the job at the time, but things have changed.

He has to learn to share and I have to learn to make each of my guys feel loved and wanted. It’s not something I’m used to, the responsibility of keeping so many people happy. I think that's the biggest reason why Queenie has decided to take a back seat so that I can learn these things for the long haul.

Me, Harlow, I’m the one that has been madly in love with these four men since they were just boys. The four beings who made a damaged, fucked up young girl feel loved and wanted for the first time in her life. It might be a part of our past, but it makes up a big part of our present too.

I didn’t have the chance to love them like I always wanted to, that destiny was ripped away by forces beyond our control in so many ways.

But now, for the first time in years, I feel like me. Well, as much of the old Harlow as I can feel like because the fact is, I’m not that girl anymore. We all grew up, even if all the fucked up traumatic things didn’t happen to me, I still would have grown as a person.

So now, I’m Harlow, only with a love for blood, sex, and sweet justice. Queenie is a part of me that will never die; I don’t want her to. She’s the other half to my heart and soul. She loves the guys as much as I do, but in her own way.

And knowing that they love her as they do me... it allows me to breathe for the first time in a very long time. Evie was a special case. She’s been mine and Queenie’s whole world, and we both feel like shit for never seeing what she truly meant to us.

Everything has changed, and I’m done being afraid of it. I almost died, ripped from the people who came to be a part of me, woven into my very essence. I can still be a badass bitch and love.

And right now, I have a massive smile on my face as I bury the pain of what happened a few weeks ago deep down. I know what I'm doing isn't healthy, and I’m sure it’s going to come back to bite me in the ass later, but I’ve already changed a lot of things in my life, let me have this bit of denial while I can.

As the songLady Marmaladeplays, I let all my worries go. Singing my heart out as I dance with my girls, I enjoy myself to the fullest.

This routine is a little different from most, but it's fun and just what I needed.

Making my way across the stage towards my guys, I move to the beat, gliding my hands over my body, my breasts, and ass. I don’t even think they've blinked, not wanting to miss a moment of the show. And I’m pretty sure I see a little bit of drool in the corner of their mouths. Good boys, drool for your Queen because at the end of the day, you go home with me.

Grabbing my teal boa, I weave it back and forth across my back, bending over to jiggle my tits for them, and I swear I hear their groans over the roar of the crowd. A smirk takes over my lips, loving what I’m doing to them. Pulling the boa off, I toss it out towards them. Axel goes to catch it, but his arm is knocked out of the way as Neo dives for it, crashing to the ground while the others shout curses down at him. Neo gives no fucks, getting off the ground and wrapping it around his neck as he takes a seat. Unlike most lovers who would blow you a kiss, Neo parts his fingers to form a V then licks his tongue up between them with a savage grin. I’ll be sure to put that tongue to good use soon.

Tossing my head back, I let out a laugh at the whole charade, loving my crazy fucker before dancing my way off the stage.

The crowd is going nuts, screaming and demanding an encore of the Queen. Who am I to disappoint my people?

“Matt, can you put on playlist five, track seven?” I ask him, removing the feather clip from my hair and shaking out my long locks.

He looks down at the computer, then up to me with a smirk. “You got it, boss.”

“You want some more of the Queen?” Trina asks the crowd, and they scream a deafening sound, making me laugh as I cover my ears. “Well, it’s your lucky night. Here she is, with a solo.”

“Fuck yeah! That’s My Queen,” Neo screams with a whoop. My smile is so big, my face starts to hurt.Why did I hold off on allowing myself to be this happy before?

The lights on stage dim, and I make my way out onto the stage. The songCandy Shopby 50 Cent starts, and the stage lights up again. The pole is in the middle of the stage for this performance, and I slowly walk towards it. When I get to about thirty-three seconds into the song, I meet the pole and grab a hold of it, climbing to the top to do my thing. I dip, slide, and make love to the pole with every eye in the room on me, wishing more than anything they were one of my guys.

At about halfway through the song, I move away from the pole and prowl towards my men, dipping low when I get to the end of the stage. When it says‘Give it to me baby, nice and slow’, I touch my body seductively. Taking the few steps down the stage, I walk over to Axel and straddle his lap, loving the growl that makes its way out of his chest. His cock is hard for me, and I grind down on it, loving the fire and lust flooding his eyes. I give him his own little lap dance, moving my body all over him, grinding our hips, and shoving my tits in his face.

When I move to leave, he grips my hips, holding me to him, not wanting me to leave. The playful look on my face slips away as my lip lifts in a snarl. He lets out a curse like he thinks he did something wrong, but that’s not what has me fuming.

My eyes are focused behind him on the motherfucker who thinks he can put his hands on one of my girls. Sad thing is, he’s one of my regulars. Always seemed like a nice enough man. I guess it shows that sometimes people are wolves in sheep's clothing.

Without taking my eyes off the guy, I reach for my gun, pulling it out of the holster on my thigh and aim it at the man’s leg. Leaning forward to get a better shot, I shove my boobs into Axel’s face making him grumble, but not in protest.

When I’m confident that no one is in the way, and I’m not risking shooting anyone else, I fire three rapid shots, one in his thigh, one in his calf, and one in his foot.