Chapter 11


“Tell me everything,” I tell Evie. We go back to her office that still smells of sex, so I’ll have to make sure no one comes back here.

She opens her laptop and clicks on a file. “This is everything I’ve found so far. It’s not much, but I’ve been talking to Miller, and he's been bringing some files by,” she says, then picks up the folder on her desk and hands it to me. I open it up, and my heart sinks. It’s case after case of teenagers who have died, all within the LA area and all by the same thing.

“The drug isn’t something that’s been introduced in the US until now. It originated in Mexico. It’s called Veneno Del Diablo, which is Spanish for Devil’s Poison. It’s a pill that gives you one of the best highs, but when you come down, your body crashes and your heart stops. They’ve been able to save a few people who had friends take them to the ER out of concern, but most of the deaths have been at high school or college parties, and by the time some drunk kid calls for help, it's too late. Everyone who has passed so far has been under the age of eighteen.”

I listen to her, fury rising within me as I flip through each case, with the photo of every victim staring back at me. I feel Queenie stirring inside me. Something tells me she’s gonna be taking over sooner than I expected. But I’m glad, because whoever is providing this drug to fucking children deserves the wrath of Queenie and so much fucking more.

Seven boys and three girls have died. A total of ten. That’s ten too fucking many for my liking.

“When was the last recorded case?” I ask her, handing the files back to her, trying to rein in my anger, but Queenie doesn’t like this. Someone has come to our turf and is doing the one thing that will have us burning our own city down until we fix it.

“Umm...” she says, pressing a few keys. “Two nights ago,” she says, looking back at me with a grim look.

“Alright. So, here's what we're going to do. Find out any areas around here that are known to throw parties. I want anyone here who knows anyone in these schools to find out if they’ve heard anything about this drug and where they might be finding it. I’m going to have Lucas and the guys get some men out every night and see what we can find. Maybe if we can hit up a few parties, keep an eye on things, then we can catch anyone who might have taken the drug and get them help before it's too late. But Evie,” I tell her, my body vibrating with anger. “I want whoever is making, selling, and distributing these drugs found. I have a very,veryextra special D-Day planned for these fuckers when we get them all. An idea I’ve been wanting to do for a really long fucking time. And I have the perfect song to give me the inspiration for this wondrous occasion.” My grin is wide, wicked, and deadly.

I don’t know who you are, but I will find you. You’re fucking with the Queen so I hope you’re ready to get burned. Off with their heads!

THE PLACE IS PACKEDtonight, probably because the girls have announced that I’ll be dancing. Word spreads fast, and people have been showing up in waves over the past half hour.

Good vibes are all I feel, and I let that take over my mindset, trying not to think about what Evie told me earlier. She's in there working her sexy ass off like always, but I didn’t want her doing it all herself. I sent my men out to scour the town for parties, both high school and college.

As far as the underground knows, I never left; I was never taken. Queenie was in power and ready to slit throats at the snap of her fingers. And I’m fucking glad. If people start thinking the Queen can be taken down, then all the monsters will be rising up out of the shadows.

But I won’t be taken down, and I’m back and ready to destroy some very fucking dumb people who think they can come into my territory and sell drugs that kill kids.Kids!That’s a big no-no for me. Anything to do with harming a child ramps up my blood lust by a thousand percent.

I’ve been debating on what kind of dance I want to do. Sexy and sensual or fun and flirty? I’m going with fun and flirty because I could use some fun right now. I missed my girls, and I missed dancing with them.

After talking to them, we decided on bringing one of our old routines back for the night. One that has more of the burlesque vibe than most of our other ones.

“Hey, Queenie. Looking hot!” Roxy says with a grin.

“Why thank you.” I wink. I’m wearing something that’s nothing like my signature go-to colors of black and red. I’m in a teal bra with black lace trim and lace hipster panties. My hair is down in long curls with the left side partly pinned back with a blue and black feathered clip. My makeup is bright and vibrant with lots of glitter. I fucking love it.

“So, you ladies doing the Moulin Rouge routine tonight?” Roxy asks.

“Yup.” I grin, excited because each girl will have their own part in the song.

“Then they’re in for a real treat tonight.” She chuckles. “Gonna be a wet one. And Queenie?”


“I’m glad you’re back, you know... dancing,” she says, her eyes saying so much more.

“Glad to see you too, Rox; this is my home, there’s nowhere else I’d rather be.


“COME ON, WE'RE GONNAbe late!” Neo shouts before taking off out of the house. The guys and I are heading down to the club to watch Harlow dance tonight. Before now, I used to tell myself I hated being there, but it was a lie because I lived for the nights I saw Harlow up there in her element. Queenie got D-Days, and Harlow got the club stage. Both captivating in their own ways.

This time is different though. It’s the first time I’m watching as her boyfriend instead of the broody fucker who hated the world and her.

“Alright, Rosie is asleep for the night, but if you need anything, give us a call and we will be back,” Cass says as he makes his way out of the hallway, directing his attention to the quiet blond haired man who has wormed his way into my heart without me even knowing until it was too late.

Am I mad that I have these feelings for Sam? Kind of. A part of me hates that I want anyone but Harlow and Queenie. But it’s also something I don’t think I could have avoided. There’s always been something about Sam that made me want to protect him, care for him, kill anyone who looked at him the wrong way.