She screams, and I meanscreamsher release, my name never sounding so sweet mixed in with a few swear words. She cums, oh so fucking perfectly, as she squirts like a fucking waterfall. And I don’t move out of the splash zone, no I stay there watching her pussy pulse as she soaks me.

When she’s given me all that she has, I remove the vibrator and turn it off.

She’s panting like she ran a hundred miles, and when I stand up, looming over my sweaty and spent girl, I’ve never seen anything more perfect.

“Pretty as a picture, you are,” I say, looking at her adoringly. Her eyes flutter open, and she gives me a sleepy grin.

“That was amazing.”

“I’m glad I could satisfy you.” I smirk down at her as I untangle her legs, lowering them to the floor before untying them.

“The proof is on your face.” She laughs lightly.

“Where it should be,” I tell her, biting her thigh before working on her wrist.

“Do you have an office kink? Because I’m here for it,” she says. I press the lever to the chair so it straightens up.

“I don’t know, there’s just something about sex in the office with you looking like a sexy secretary. You’re so much more than that, but the look is spot on. Your gorgeous red hair up in a bun, and your reading glasses perched on your nose as you type away at your computer. It’s a complete turn on and drives me wild,” I tell her, cupping her face and leaning in to kiss her. She moans as I suck on her bottom lip before pulling back.

“I love you wild.” She smiles up at me. “And I never knew I’d love office sex this much. But now you need a shower, unless you plan on wearing my release on your face all day?” she asks, grinning as she raises a brow.

“As much as I’d love to...” I give her a wicked smile that’s all sex. “We have a show tonight. So, I’ll shower here,” I say, getting up to sit over on the couch.

“Harlow?” She asks, spinning around to face me as she fixes her skirt. I fucked her fully clothed, but she’s never looked so naked and exposed in her life. I love it.

“Yes?” I ask.

“Are you forgetting something?” she questions me, getting up from the chair and laying down on the couch, so that she’s flat on her back.

“I feel like I am.” I laugh, wondering what she’s doing.

“It’s your turn.” She grins, looking over at me. “Come use my face as your personal pony.”

My fucking dirty girl.

And I do; I ride her face until I’m cumming all over hers, and she loves every second of it.

When we’re done, we both shower together in my office bathroom.

“Oh, there’s something I wanted to talk to you about. But I wasn’t sure if you’re ready to get back to work. But I also didn’t want to keep it from you,” she starts as we get dressed in clean clothes.

“What's going on?” I ask, the idea of getting back to work exciting me.

She slips her shirt over her head, and I pout now that her perky tits are hidden.

“There’s a gang, I don’t know who yet, who’s pushing in on LA high schools, selling drugs.”

I growl. I fucking hate drugs, and I hate the idea of fucking children using them even more.

“It gets worse,” she tells me, a dark shadow taking over her face. “It’s killing them.”