Chapter 10


“One more day, that’sall I’m asking,” Cass says, as he follows me towards the front door.

Whirling around, I shoot a glare at him. “No. I will not be cooped up in this house for another day. It’s been a week since I’ve gotten back, three weeks of neglecting my work duties. I have clubs to run, girls to care for, and people to torture. I can’t do all that at home.”

“You were kidnapped, Harlow. It’s not like you went on vacation,” Cass growls, and I can’t help but love the way my body shivers at his growly mood. Normally, it’s his twin who acts like this. They’re both extremely sexy. I’ll have to ask them about having me a twin sandwich. I mean, they’ve been working on their relationship. What better way to bring brothers closer together than for them to fuck the same girl at the same time?

“Doesn’t matter, Cass. I didn’t get to where I’m at by sitting around doing nothing. I love you all, so fucking much, but since you all came back into my life, I’ve been off my game. I don’t regret falling for you all again or becoming a part of the little family we’ve built, but at the end of the day, I have an empire to run, and that empire runs on blood, and my clubs. You guys are my top priority, but I still have a good twenty girls I care for also. I hate that I’ve left the club to be run by Evie, Luke, Matt, and Tommy. And it’s not because I don’t think they can do it, because they fucking rock at it, but it’s because it’s not their job.”

“Alright, alright,” Cass says, pulling me into his arms as I start to get worked up. “I’m just worried about you, okay?”

“I know,” I murmur into his chest. “But I’m fine. I’ve put weight back on, and I’m feeling stronger than ever.”

“You have your gun?” he asks as I take a step back.

“On my hip,” I tell him, lifting my shirt to show him my gun in its holster.

“And your daggers?” He cocks a brow.

I blink at him in mild shock, feeling slightly offended. “Who do you think I am?” My brows furrow. “Of course I have my daggers. I feel naked without them.”

“Babe, you love being naked,” he says, the corner of his mouth hitching up.

“True.” I grin. “But I also love having them be the only thing on me.”

“It is pretty fucking sexy,” he growls.

“Now, if you’re done daddy-ing me, I need to go. I have a lot to catch up on, and I think I’m due to dance. I miss it.”

“Are you sure you—” He doesn’t get the chance to finish his sentence as I reach up, grab a handful of his hair, making him grunt, while pulling him down until he’s an inch from my face.

“Shut the fuck up, and kiss me goodbye,” I growl before smashing my lips to his. He moans as I slip my tongue into his mouth, giving him a fast and steamy kiss before pulling back. “Now, be a good boy while I’m gone.” I grin, biting my lip as I look at the tent in his pants.

“Yes, ma’am,” he says with heated eyes.

“That’s my good boy.” I wink before pulling the door open and leaving my sexually frustrated man groaning.

“Hey,” he says as I head down the pathway. I turn around, raising a brow in question. “You’re in my bed tonight.”

“Only if you earn it, big boy,” I call back. “Come to the club tonight, maybe I’ll give you a special treat.

WHEN I GET TO THE CLUB, I’m hit with a wave of excitement. I’ve missed this place. It’s the one place in the world where both Queenie and I feel at peace with ourselves and our past. Dancing is one of the ways I express myself. I’m in control of my own body, and love the feeling of being free.

And after what happened while Triver had me in his clutches again, I feel this urge to get up on stage and take back the piece of my body that he took.

One of the biggest reasons for my clubs is to give women the power to do just that; take back their bodies.

When I enter the club, I can hear Katy Perry’sCalifornia Girlsplaying and Lucas’ horrible singing as he belts out the lyrics. The club isn’t open for another few hours, but I’ve always enjoyed coming here early while everyone was getting the stage set up and the club ready for a night of freedom and fun.

I giggle as I see him up on stage, trying to pole dance and failing wonderfully. But, hey, at least he tried. “Luke!” I shout over the music. “You sure you don’t want to take me up on those singing lessons? I’m still willing to pay.”

He falls on his ass, hitting the ground with a hard thump, letting out a curse before turning to look at me. His face slips into a big smile.

“Come on.” I grin, rolling my eyes and holding out my arms. “I know you want to.”

He jumps off the stage and runs over to me, scooping me up and spinning me around.