She turns to look at me, her brows rising as a grin splits across her face.

“Really?” she asks a lot more excitedly than I thought she’d be, and it fills me with a thrill of my own.

“Do you know how hot it would be to be topped by my woman?” I ask, my voice low and seductive.

“Then fuck yeah, I will,” she says. Fuck, my cock goes rock hard. God, this woman is truly something amazing.

“Bad word!” Rosie says, getting our attention. She has this sassy grin on her face as she stares at her mother.

“Oops,” Harlow says, trying to smother a grin, then she looks up at me. “Be a doll and pay the girl her dollar. I don’t have any cash on me.” She bats her eyelashes at me, mirth swimming in her eyes.

“Fine,” I grumble and move around the table to Rosie. I get my wallet out and take out a dollar bill, handing it over. She takes the money and puts it into the purse she has on before holding her hand out again.

“What?” I ask.

“That’s it?” she huffs, climbing out of her chair. She stands before me, her head tipped back to look up at me. Crossing her arms, she gives me this adorable glare. “I was raising your babies while you were gone on vacation. I think I should get something for my troubles.”

My eyes widen as I stare at my little Posy Bear. What happened to the little ball of sweet sunshine? She’s becoming a sassy thing. I’m gonna blame it on the boss bitch energy Harlow and Queenie give off.

Looking around the room for help, all I get are looks of amusement as they watch the two of us. Harlow is biting her lip, on the edge of bursting into laughter. Cass has this big ass grin on his face like he’s way too proud of his kid.

“Fine. You’re right. You watched them while I was gone, you deserve to be paid for your troubles,” I say, grabbing a hundred dollar bill from my wallet and handing it over to her. “Better?” I ask, waiting for her approval.

Her eyes go wide as if it was Christmas morning. “Much.” She puts the money away, then moves to the chair that was on the other side of her and grabs something out of a basket sitting on it. A snort has excitement rising inside me again. Rosie brings over a sleepy Mr. Bacon.

“I think this belongs to you. He’s a handful. I think I’ll stick just with Daisy from now on,” she says before turning to her duck. “Come on, girl. Let’s go play dollies.” They both take off down the hall, Rosie giggling as Daisy quacks behind her.

“I’ve missed you, my little baby,” I coo, kissing Mr. Bacon all over his scruffy little face.

“Don’t worry, she wasn’t the only one to help with the animals. I’m the one that cleaned all the pens. She just fed them,” Sam says with amusement in his tone.

“Oh,” I say, tucking Mr. Bacon under my arm. “Thanks. I know I was gone for like... what, two weeks? But it feels like it’s been less than a day. I hate when he takes over for so long,” I growl. This is why I never let him out to play. Every time he comes out, he wants to stay longer. I’m sure he feels like he has a reason to this time, but I’d like to fucking know why.

“No problem. I love animals. I’ve always wanted to go to the zoo, so this is the closest I’ve gotten.”

“You’ve never been to a zoo?” Harlow asks, getting off Axel’s lap and coming over to us.

“No,” Sam blushes.

“Well, I think we’re going to have to fix that, aren’t we?” Harlow asks. “I’m thinking we need a family trip to the San Diego Zoo soon. What do you think?” She looks to me.

“Um, fuck yes!” I grin. I love the zoo, and if I could have it my way, I’d have one of everything they have. Hell, I’d just live there if I could.

“I don’t know if I could be around a crowd just yet,” Sam says, his voice low.

“Then I’ll rent the place out for just us, even if it’s just for a few hours.” Harlow shrugs like it’s no big deal.

“What?” Sam gapes at her. “That would cost thousands of dollars.”

“So?” Harlow giggles. “I have more money than I know what to do with, Sam. We’ve been over this.”

“I know, but I don’t want you spending that much on me.”

“Well, I don’t like people either. Unless it’s the people in this house and the people at the club, so it’s not just for you.”

“Are you sure?” Sam asks.

“Sam,” Harlow says, cocking a brow. “Yes,” she confirms.

“Goodie,” Evie says, her eyes lighting up. “I’ll book everything.”

Fuck yeah, we’re going to the zoo!