“Who are you, and what have you done with the crazy bitch?” Axel asks, cocking a brow as he looks me over like I’m, well... not me.

I laugh, a real laugh, my face splitting into a grin. “Oh, she’s here, trust me, but she’s... evolving. I heard people don’t really like it when their lovers are heartless bitches, so I thought I’d tone it down.” I give him a wink.

“Don’t change too much, we love you just the way you are,” Axel grunts.

“And I love you.” I smile.

“Okay, this is weird,” Axel says, making me laugh harder.

“Where's Neo?” I ask, addressing the fact that he’s still not here.

“Well, Beast took over the moment they found out you were taken, and we had him locked up in the show room. We’ve been keeping him entertained by giving him people to...” Dean explains, his sentence trailing off.

“Kill? Slowly torture? Brutally murder?” I ask playfully with a grin.

“Play with,” Dean answers, giving me a hint of his own smile.

Another wave of dizziness takes over me, and I have to hold onto the counter to keep myself from fainting.

“You okay?” Axel rushes to catch me.

“I said no babying,” I tell him, slapping his hand away.

“And I’m not going to let my girlfriend pass the fuck out and fall to the floor. So suck it the fuck up. I’m taking care of you right now, end of story.”

“I don’t need to be taken care of!” I glare at him, getting annoyed again.

“This is what it's gonna be like between these two all the time, isn’t it?” Dean asks with a hint of amusement.

“Yeah, I think so.” Cass chuckles.

“Well if she would just let me...” Axel starts.

“I don’t need you to!” I snap back, putting my hands on my hips.

“Woman, don’t make me spank you,” he growls.

“I’d like to see you try.”

“That's it,” Axel says, then grabs me and throws me over his shoulder. “I’ve missed your bratty ass.” His hand comes down hard as he slaps my ass, carrying me out of the kitchen. I’m shocked, wide eyed, that he did that. The others all smile, and I really wanna stab each of them. Well, everyone except Evie.

“I’m gonna gut you for this,” I huff as I start to pound my fists into his toned ass.

He lets out this chuckle that’s filled with pure fucking sex. “With what, Little One? You’re not armed with anything.”

Fuck, he has a point. When I get stronger, I’m gearing back up. I miss my daggers. I really should have looked for them before I went to the kitchen.

“Is everything okay?” Sam asks from behind us. Axel pauses and puts me down on my feet. Looking over at Sam, I see him and Axel locked in an intense stare off before Sam blinks and turns to me.What was that?That doesn’t look like two friends who got into a fight. I’ll need answers to that situation.

“Harlow,” Sam breathes, his smile wide.

“Hi.” I smile back, letting out a little huff of surprise when he pulls me into his arms for a hug.

“I missed you so much. I’m so glad you're back, I was so worried,” he says. I hug him back and rub my hand up and down his spine.

“I missed you too. But everything is okay. I’m back, and I’m fine.” I tell him. But he’s not stupid. He gives me a look telling me he knows, but he says nothing. There's something about Sam that makes me want to pull him into the room, lock the door behind us, and tell him everything. Maybe because we’re not involved like the others, or maybe because he understands exactly what I’m feeling.

“You need sleep.” Axel clears this throat. “Let’s get you into bed, and I’ll bring you soup.”