“She’s going to be okay. She always is. We’ll find her Evie, and when we do, I’ll fucking kill whoever took her,” he growls.

“Let's get back to the club so I can start looking at all the cameras around here. Maybe, they’ll give us somewhere to start,” I say, standing up. My legs give out, and Cass catches me.

“You're hurt,” he says, his brows pinching in concern.

“Yeah, I hit my head,” I say as he takes a look for himself.

“What’s this?” he asks, tilting my head to the side. He runs his finger over my neck, and I hiss out as he touches a tender spot. “Looks like a puncture wound. Someone drugged you, and that gash on your head... I don't think it’s from you falling. Whoever did this wanted you down, probably for good.”

“Who do you think it could be?” I ask as he helps me into the car.

“I don’t know. Harlow might be the top dog around here, but the list of enemies we don’t know about is long. There's no way you can do what she does and not have people out to get you.”

We start driving back to the club in silence. About halfway there, Cass looks over at me and says, “I might seem calm right now, but I’m losing my mind on the inside. So don’t think for a second that I’m not deathly afraid of where our girl is. However, I need to be strong because when I tell the others, it’s not going to be pretty. But, know this, she will be okay. I know deep in my soul she will be.”

“I’m just afraid of what she'll come back as this time.” I look out of the window, blinking tears away. She vowed from the moment she got out of that hell we were in that no one would ever control her again. She would bring down anyone who tried. I have no idea what they’ll do to her, or if she’ll ever come back. But if she does, my heart aches, wondering if she will bemyHarlow, or will Queenie take over for good this time.


“FUCK!” I ROAR, PICKINGup the nearest chair and chucking it against the club wall. It explodes into pieces, splinters of wood flying everywhere. Evie and Cass explained the night's events, and the moment they mentioned someone taking Harlow, I took over. It’s one thing thinking Harlow was gone for a while, because I still knew she would be coming back. But this time, she didn’t leave with the intention of returning to us when she was ready. Someone took her. Some fuckingfoolthought they had the right to take what wasMINE. How fucking dare anyone think they had any right to lay a fucking finger on her.

Me taking over wasn't the better option, but if it means protecting Neo, it’s what had to be done. I lost it when Harlowchoseto leave. Knowing someone has her, and could be doing any number of fucked up things to her, has me in a rage that I’ve never felt before.

I love this woman with every inch of my black heart and soul.

With my chest heaving, and fury thick in my veins, I only see one thing: Murder. Bloody, gruesome murder. When I get my hands on whoever it is, I will rip them apart limb by limb and enjoy the feeling of their chunks of warm flesh in the palms of my hands.

My eyes set on another chair, and I grasp it tightly, lifting it over my head, launching it at another wall.

“Would you stop destroying the fucking furniture, you overgrown gorilla,” Axel snaps.

“Fuck you!” I sneer, getting in his face.

“Don’t think I won’t knock you the fuck out,” he growls back. “You’re not the only one wanting to burn the fucking world down to get her back, but throwing a tantrum like a child isn’t going to help.” Axel takes another step toward me, not backing down. I really want to see a fist shaped dent in his head right now.

“Enough!” Dean shouts. “Beast, I think you need to go cool off while Evie does her thing. We’re no help if we can’t keep our heads on straight.”

Like an angry bull, I look over at him wanting to knock him out too.

“Don’t look at me like that. You raging out and throwing things around isn’t going to help us find out what happened to our girl. We’re all afraid and worried. But you guys seem to forget... This isQueeniewe're talking about. No matter where she's at or who the fuck has her, she’s not gonna take it lying down. You know for a fact they’ll die a slow and painful death. And it won't be by our hands.”

“You wanna bet?” I ask, my voice eerily calm.

“Go,” Cass demands, stepping forward. “And you,” he says looking at his brother. “You're not helping.”

“What the fuck do you want me to do? Go banging on every door in LA? I’ll do it, but I don’t think it will help any,” Axel scoffs.

Turning around, I leave them to do what they can to locate Harlow. They’re right, I’m no use to them when I’m like this, but I know a place where I am.

The feelings inside me are too intense. I don’t know how to process it all, but the need to spill blood is overwhelming.

The smell of piss is strong when I get downstairs, and I sneer at the pathetic man strapped to the chair.

“I was going to give you to My Queen as a surprise date night tomorrow. But because there's someone out there in the world who has a death wish, that won't be happening,” I say, walking over to the table of toys. My fingers skim along each of them, stopping when I reach the dagger.Why not go with My Queen's favorite?

“But, it would be a waste of a rapist if I shot you in the head and was done with you just like that,” I say, snapping my fingers. His eyes widen as he starts to scream against his gag while shaking his head. “So, you agree?” I grin. “Glad to see we’re on the same page.”

Before I do something stupid, I need to channel all my anger. I’m not sure if I’ll be able to shut it off. Maybe I’ll have one of the guys toss down some playmates to keep me busy in the meantime. I can’t go rogue like last time and piss My Queen off. This time, it's different.

Once I’m no longer able to hold back, I take a wild punch, cutting his forehead. I swing back the other way, hitting his cheek. With a toothy grin, I keep swinging, each slash hitting a new spot. Each swipe is bigger and cuts deeper. Blood starts to flow, and I find myself in a trance as I watch it fall from the wounds.

My back and forth motions turn into stabs as he screams and pleads like someone’s gonna save him. No one’s gonna save you. You don’t deserve to be saved.

By the time I’m out of breath, my arm is sore. I step back to see the damage done. He’s dead, probably has been for the past ten minutes, but I wasn’t finished with him.

Blood pools on the floor, forming a pretty puddle, and I find myself wishing My Queen was here to enjoy it with me.

That has the rage bubbling up inside me all over again. I need another body, then I’m going hunting for My Queen. God help anyone who gets in my way.