“Nah, you guys seem to have this covered,” she says, then flips Axel off when he shoots her a glare.

The rest of us tie up the guys and step back.

They scream. Partly in fear but mostly in pain. They aren't dead yet, but I can see the light starting to fade from their eyes.Good.Fuckers should be lucky this is how they are going out. I’ve been wanting to play another game of This Little Piggy. Maybe next time.

Music starts to play, and my brow furrows. I guess it really isn’t a D-Day without music.Dark Sideby NEONI starts playing. I look around, wondering where the hell it’s coming from. Not too far from the fire sits two speakers on each side.

The vibe completely changes. Queenie starts to slowly dance, her moves more of a freestyle. I feel like I’m in the middle of a horror movie. One where there’s witchy or Satanic rituals. But the way she tosses her head back and lets the music fuel her is mesmerizing.

She starts to sing, dancing around the four men. The lyrics are so fitting in this moment, with this Queen. When it says ‘welcome to my dark side,’ the fire seems to grow in size, making me jump back. Her body dips and flows with the music, her hands running up and down, and all over. A fucking vision.

The next chorus begins. She continues to sing, dancing over to a bucket. In it sits a dagger. The smell hits my nose when she takes it out and starts to dance with it in her hand. Gasoline. She goes over to Diego and carves something into his skin, but I can’t see what it is because of all the blood. She moves on to Jose, then Angel, then Luis. Their cries of pain and agony make my heart pump harder, faster.

When she’s done, she slowly steps back, admiring her work before dancing over to the fire, grabbing a stick with a wad of fabric at the tip. She dips it into the fire, igniting it. With it in hand, she flows back over to the guys, one by one she skips past them, running the torch against their fresh cuts. Their screams are haunting in all the best ways as the words Queenie carved into their chest light up.Evil. Murder. Rapist. Monster.

Queenie comes to stand next to me. I look down at this stunning Queen, who owns every part of my very being. We all watch as the fire spreads, slowly consuming their bodies until they are fully engulfed in flames.

The smell of burnt flesh tickles my nose, and I grimace. The copper scent of blood I’m used to, but we don’t burn bodies much when we have our fun.

“Ready to go?” Queenie asks, looking over at us like she didn’t just inject them with poison, chase them through the woods, tie them to a stake, carve up their chests, and then burn them alive. No, she looks like this is just some regular old bonfire. “The smell is turning my stomach, and I’m tired. I’ll call the clean up crew to deal with the burnt marshmallows.”

“Thanks, now I can never eat one again.” Axel gags as he turns towards the trees.

“I don’t think I’m gonna be able to get the smell of burning flesh out of my suit,” Dean grumbles, following after him.

“Remind me to never get a fire pit,” Cass says, taking off too.

“I don’t know what they’re bitching about. That was fucking amazing. As always,” I tell her, searching her eyes to see if she has a need to expel any extra energy. The only thing I find is tiredness. I really hope she wasn’t serious about taking a step back for a while. My life wouldn’t be the same without her.

“Let's get out of here,” she says with a smile.

“Want a piggy-back ride? Your feet must be killing you.”

She grins. “Actually, I’d love one.” I chuckle and crouch down, letting her climb me. She gets on, clinging to me like a sexy, little spider monkey.

“I’m too tired for anything tonight, but if you're willing, I’d love to tie you up and use you as my personal sex slave tomorrow.”

My cock swells, and I let out a pained groan. “Fuck, yes please,” I moan. “I will punch a nun to make that happen.”

She lets out a musical laugh, and we take off after the others, leaving the bodies and fire behind us for someone else to deal with.

I have no idea what tomorrow will bring, but can’t fucking wait to find out. I’ll be ready for anything with a stiff cock and thirst for blood.


“MY LEGS FUCKING BURN,” Neo whines as we get out of the car. “I second what Cass says, I’m gonna start joining you guys when you work out. Maybe use the treadmill. It was fun as hell in the moment, but fuck I’m feeling the burn now.”

I smile as we walk up the pathway to the house. Normally, the high of the kill has me ready to jump any one of my guys, but tonight, for the first time, I find myself just wanting to shower, crawl into bed, and sleep for a thousand years.

“How did everything go?” Sam asks as we make our way into the living room. He stops and looks us over. The guys are covered in dirt, their clothes ruined, and hair a mess. “Oh,” he laughs. “Looks like you all had some fun.” He walks over to Axel and reaches up to pull something out of his hair. He holds up a twig and cocks a brow at his boyfriend. Axel just grins, giving him a shrug. “Come on, let's get you cleaned up.”

“Get‘er done!” Neo shouts as he plops down on the couch. He groans as he props his feet up on the arm rest and closes his eyes, looking like he's gonna fall asleep any second.

Sam blushes as Axel curses Neo out, while Sam leads them down the hall. I grin, shaking my head.

Evie joins us and comes over to me, giving me a kiss. “How do you go out into the woods to kill a group of people and not come out looking like them?”

“Magic,” I tell her, wiggling my fingers, making her giggle. My hair is still in long beautiful curls, my dress still intact with no rips or tears. The only indication I was out there tonight is my dirty feet and blood soaked dress.