Chapter 32


“Neo, would you chillthe fuck out!” Axel snaps as he watches our crazy cousin vibrating with energy.

“You're kidding right?” Neo asks, stopping to look at Axel like he’s new here. “It’s D-Day. D Fucking Day! I’ve been waiting for this day for months, it’s been way too fucking long and you expect me to chill out?”

I snort a laugh, a smile tipping at the corner of my lip.

We're all waiting in the middle of nowhere, deep in the woods. All we got was a text message saying‘Evie and Sam are watching Rosie, it’s time’.Then she sent us GPS coordinates that led us here.

“What do you think she has planned?” Cass asks, looking around at the trees. The only light we have is from the headlights of our car and the stars above us.

“I have no idea, but it’s gonna be so fucking good. I can feel it in my bones. And my dick,” Neo says, his grin looking creepy as the lights cast a shadow on his face.

“You're always thinking with your dick,” Axel scoffs.

“Well, it's a lot more fun than using my brain.” Neo laughs. “But hey, you have to admit, I’ve been pretty fucking tame since Harlow’s been out more.”

“True,” I agree. He really has. It’s like now that Beast can come out to play, the thirst for blood on Neo’s part, although not gone, has lessened. Harlow is still a lot like Queenie in many ways, she has more of a calm, caring aspect to her, and I think it helps to tame Neo’s madness.

But let’s face it, the fucker has too many screws loose to ever be anywhere close to sane.

“Where is she anyways?” Axel asks.

“Boo!” Queenie shouts from behind him, making him shout, and curse before spinning around.

“Fuck’s sake. I thought you were a crazy murderer or some shit,” Axel growls, putting his hand over his chest. Neo bursts out laughing, mocking his cousin, making Queenie’s grin grow extra wide. Axel flips Neo off, giving him a scowl.

She looks so different from how she normally dresses on a D-Day. Gone is the corset and panties replaced with a white flowing gown that stops a few inches from her feet. It still looks sexy as hell on her, her breasts almost flowing out of the top, but it gives off this eerie feeling.

“I am,” Queenie points out. “I’m just not here to kill you,” she says, then looks to the road behind all of us. “Them, however, are another story.”

Turning around, I see a set of headlights coming towards us.

“Our guests have arrived,” Queenie says, as she walks barefooted over to the van that pulls up next to us.

“Everything ready to go?” Tommy asks as he hops out the passengers side.

“Yup,” Queenie responds.

“Poor fuckers don’t even know what hit them,” Lucas says as he climbs out after his friend.

“That’s what makes it so much fun,” she giggles.

The guys and I, we have no idea what's going down tonight other than the fact that the four guys in that van won't make it to morning alive.

Queenie has enjoyed keeping us on our toes with her surprises lately.

“Alright, boys. Time to play,” Matt says, pulling open the door to the van. Four men sit bound and gagged. When they see us, they all start thrashing and screaming against their gags.

“So...” Cass says. “What's the plan?”

“Well,” Queenie starts as her men work to get the guys out of the van. “We're gonna play a little game of hide-n-seek.” The smile she gives reminds me of the cold killer I’d first met.

“We get to go hunting?” Neo’s eyes light up like he was just told he was going to Disneyland.

“That we are, Pet,” she tells him, then turns to Tommy. “Do you have it?”