The others start screaming and yelling, making a run for it. Well, I guess the ride is over. Jumping off the crane, I tuck and roll, quickly getting back up. I start to swing blindly as gun shots ring out, but because I’m close to the other men, the bullets hit them instead of me.

I wave the sword around like a crazy man, making noises like you would hear in those old ninja movies while I slice and dice them.

Faces get gashes, arms get severed, and legs get taken out. By the time they’re all on the ground, there’s blood soaking the dirt below them. Sadly, they’re not all dead, and they cry out in pain. I frown, wondering what I did wrong. Queenie had the ground littered with body parts when she did it.Not fair.

Oh well, she said she needed them all dead before we left, so I put the sword back in its case and grab both of my guns. I start popping off shots into the heads of every man, just in case.

When I look around at all the lifeless bodies, I nod at my job well down. A honk has my head snapping up. “Get in bitch, we're going kidnapping!” Queenie shouts. I bark a laugh and start running towards the car.

“How did it go?” I ask Queenie, sliding into the passenger seat.

“How do you think?” she says, looking at the man who’s now tied up in the back seat of the car.

“No trunk this time?” I ask, raising a brow with a grin.

“I’m not getting his tainted blood on my babies,” she grimaces. “It’s easier to get blood out of the car than in the cracks of my guns and tools.”

“Point taken.”

“How did you do, did you get them all?” she asks as we take off, away from the burning building and onto the main road. “I could have sworn you were belting outWrecking Ballby Miley Cyrus.” She looks over at me with an amused grin.

“Hey, that was fucking perfect timing. I had to,” I tell her with a grin matching hers.

“Point taken,” she laughs, repeating my comment from before.

A groan has me looking into the back seat. “Well, look who’s up from their little nappy-poo,” I croon, talking to Diego like he's a baby. “Was it a nice one? I don’t think that was enough rest for what we have planned for you though.”

“You stupid bitch,” Diego slurs out.

“I prefer badass bitch thank you very much,” she tsks. “Manners go a long way, you know.”

“I’m going to kill you. My boss is going to send more men after me and my brothers. You are a dead woman.”

“Oh, I’m quaking in my boots!” Queenie mocks. “Nah, that’s not going to happen and you know it. You’re just one of many men he has working for him. He will just replace you and your buddies. He knows going to war with me isn’t something worth risking. I might seem to be one person against thousands, but what many seem to forget is I have this country under my thumb. I may run LA, but, baby, Queenie owns a lot of people, and not all of them live in California.”

“Cheer up,” I say, moving so that I can get a better look. “Think of it this way, you get to see your friends again. Now, don’t be too alarmed when you do. Angel looks like he’s aged about fifty years, but that’s just the lack of teeth giving you that illusion.” I grin, his eyes widening.

“What have you done? You’re monsters!” Diego spits.

Queenie snorts out a laugh. “Honey, I don’t think you have any room to call me a monster. You and your little friends killed ten innocent teenagers. All just starting their lives.” Queenie sounds much angrier now. “You took it away from them. Because of you, they will never get to live the lives they were destined for. And for that, you and the others must lose your lives. But even if you didn’t kill those kids, you're all a bunch of fucking rapists. The two things I will not allow. Don’t worry though, D-Day isn’t until next weekend. Harlow is taking our daughter to a birthday party, so it will have to wait until after. But that means you get to spend some quality time with your friends before I kill you all.” She smiles sweetly at him in the rearview mirror.

I don’t know what she has planned for this D-Day, but I know it won’t be anything like the others. And I can’t fucking wait.

Queenie’s not going anywhere, I’ll make sure of it. She can give Harlow the time she needs, but life isn’t meant to be without both of them. They are my Queens, my lights at the end of a very dark tunnel. One caring for the little boy I never got to be, the other tending to the bloodlust that consumes my soul. Together they keep me grounded, far away from the brink of insanity. Together they make me, me.