In the end, Queenie got over it after spilling some blood, and Diego lost another man. At some point you just need to realize you're not king shit like you think you are and accept that this fucking queen, this woman, is better than you in every way.

Sadly, not all men see things the way I do. I have no shame in a woman outshining me. Fuck, I’ll stand on the sidelines and cheer my Queen on in anything she does. I’m the number one fan of my woman, and I’ll always let her shine the brightest.

“So, what’s the plan?” I whisper as we hide behind a junker car parked next to one of the fences as we search for Diego’s men.

“I’m gonna smoke them out, because as much as I love a good game of cat and mouse, I want to save that for the grand finale on D-Day.” She tilts her head to the side. “Well, more like blow them out. Anyways, I’m gonna toss a few of these into some windows and have them running outside like bats out of hell. Then you can deal with them however you please.”

“What about Diego? We need to make sure he doesn’t get away.”

“Leave him to me. You worry about the others. Remember there are ten. We don’t leave until there are ten bodies for the clean up crew to deal with. How those bodies look when you're done with them, is entirely up to you.” She grins, looking at the katana. “Looking to play a little Fruit Ninja of your own?”

“Maybe.” I shrug, giving her a devilish grin. “If the moment presents itself.”

She rolls her eyes with a laugh and shakes her head. “Alright. Off you go, Pet. Bring your master a head or two.”

I laugh at that. I’m thinking she might start collecting severed heads like she does dicks. Triver’s dick still sits in a jar on a shelf with the others, while his head sits frozen on a slab in a walk-in freezer downstairs in the club. The thing is fucking nasty, face half burnt off.

I may or may not have gotten in there and drawn a mini cock and hairy balls on his face. I have to say, it was an improvement.

She takes off around the building to the back, making sure to keep out of sight. Thankfully, it’s almost dark now, making it a little easier to move around unnoticed. The place it littered with old run down cars and piles of construction scraps. It’s like they were in the middle of renovating this place but gave up and left everything behind.

And I meaneverythingbecause as we carefully move around, I notice a crane with a wrecking ball and massive construction lights.

An idea forms in my fucked up mind, and I grin manically to myself as I set my path over to the crane.

As I reach it, I look around and find two men waiting outside the main door to the building. They look bored as fuck. Well, I’m about to help with that.

I hear when the first grenade goes off. A big boom shakes the ground and moments later shouts pierce the air, but no one comes out. Standing and watching, I wait.

The second one goes off. This time, a few men abandon the place and run out with their arms raised up over their heads to cover themselves. The warehouse is on fire now, and I can hear the metal starting to groan under its own weight.

I count seven men, including the ones who were already outside. The third grenade goes off sending the remaining men out just as the building goes down. I see Diego running around with the last of the men and Queenie coming up behind him.

Not wanting to risk the chance that his men see her, I look around for anything to help me with my distraction.

My eyes land on the construction lights, and I notice a long cord coming out of it. My eyes follow it all the way to a generator not too far from me. I rush over, find the switch, and flip it on.

I smother a whoop of triumph when it easily roars to life. The construction lights blaze brightly, and I see the men shield their faces as they cover their eyes.

Finding Queenie, I see her use this moment to attack and grab Diego. His men start to look around, a few heading towards me.I need to move fast.

With my fancy sword in hand, I climb into the crane and let out a curse when my luck runs out. No key. Of course there’s no fucking key. It can’t always be that easy.

Well, not for long anyways because I know how to hotwire a car, this can’t be much different.Right?

I get to work, finding the right wires, pulling them out and peeling back the covering to the right colors. The crane comes to life, and this time I do let out a yell of excitement.

I find the button to get the crane going, making the wrecking ball move as it slowly starts to swing back and forth, making the men come to a halt, watching in horror.

Once it gets a good momentum, I abandon the cab and run across to the car nearby.

“Time to channel my inner Miley,” I tell myself with a chuckle.

I watch the wrecking ball swing forward, and as it makes its way back, I jump and pray I don’t miss.

With a grunt, I just barely grab a hold of the chain. I move until I’m able to sit on the ball, then I pull the katana out of its case.

“I CAME IN LIKE A WRECKING BALL,” I sing out, totally butchering the song, but not giving one single fuck. I love this song. The men stare up at me in shock, and I use this as my opportunity to multitask. I wield the sword, swinging it out at the last minute, and the man closest to me loses his head. I cackle as it fucking falls off, tumbling to the ground.