“Oh no, he’s not,” Queenie sings. “He’s hanging out at my house. We’ve been watching movies and braiding each other’s hair and everything,” she jokes. “No popcorn of course because he doesn’t have any teeth to eat with. Shame.”

“You crazy bitch,” he sneers.

“You ain’t seen nothing yet,” she says before grabbing her gun from its holster and smashing it upside the guy’s head, hard enough to knock him out.

With an over exaggerated groan, she rolls off him and stands next to me. “Wanna help me with him?”

“Look, I know I’m strong and all, but he’s a lot bigger than the other guys. I can’t take him down there quietly,” I tell her, looking at the guy who’s gotta be at least three-hundred pounds.

“Fine.” She mutters something, going over to the window. She opens it and looks down. “Feel like jumping off a building?”

“What?!” I hiss.

“The roof is slanted. It’s gonna be a long slide down, but the drop won’t be more than ten feet, if that. We can totally do it.”

“What about him?” I ask. “I’ll fall off the fucking roof if I gotta carry him.”

“Bring him to the window,” she tells me, opening it all the way.

Muttering, I grunt as I manage to get him over my shoulder and set him down on the window sill.

“Now what?”

She doesn't answer me, just pushes his limp body out the window. I watch in horror as he rolls down the roof, gaining a good amount of speed before falling off the edge. I don’t hear him connect with the ground because another perfectly timed crash of thunder crashes through the night sky.

“There, problem solved. Now, you only need to get him to the car, let’s go,” she says, ducking out the window.

“Crazy bitch,” I mumble and follow after her, because what else would I do other than go along with her crazy.

She slides down on her bum, stopping when she gets to the edge and looks down before looking at me. “Come on!” she hisses.

Grumbling under my breath, I slide down after her. When I get to the edge, I look down to see Luis laying face down on the ground. She was right, the drop isn’t too bad.

“Let’s get the fuck out of here. If I won’t be doing any more killing tonight, I want to be fucking. And since you have plans with Sam, I’ll see if Evie is up for some fun.”

Huffing out a breath of irritation, I move onto my belly and shimmy down so that I can hang off the edge. Queenie does the same thing. We dangle there for a moment before letting go and dropping to the ground next to Luis. My knees hit the ground, and I quickly stand, dusting off the dirt.

“Alright, my sexy Viking, let’s grab him and go,” she says, then turns around and starts taking off.

I gape at her, narrow my eyes, and flip her off. As if she has fucking eyes on the back of her head, she lifts her hand and flips me the bird back, not even turning in my direction.

“Come on, you ugly fucker,” I grumble, bending over to grab him. “God, you really are like three-hundred pounds.” I grunt as I toss him over my shoulder.

Rounding the corner, I look for Queenie, but I don’t see her anywhere. Brows furrowed, I start to look for her, trying to ignore how heavy this fucker is.

Muffled grunts have me on alert. I rush towards the noise and find Queenie on a guy’s back, her hand over his mouth as she stabs wildly at his neck. He’s thrashing, trying to buck her off, but she holds on like she’s a bull rider.

“Why,” stab. “Won’t,” stab. “You,” stab. “DIE?!”

Blood is spurting out of his neck, and yet he’s still going.

“Are you going to just stand there or do you wanna fucking help?” Queenie snaps.

Shit.Dropping Luis to the ground with a thud, I rush over to Queenie. “What do you want me to do?” I ask, not sure if me intervening would make things worse.

“Kick him in the balls, that will get him to the ground so he stops thrashing around!” she snarks.

That could work. With a shoulder shrug, I bring up my foot and kick him as hard as I can. He screams louder against Queenie’s hand and drops to his knees.