I shiver as I think about how Queenie and Beast have been keeping them alive. Sure, making them eat nasty food combinations is funny, but I feel bad for the people who have to clean up after them when it doesn’t agree with their bodies.

“Alright. Let’s get this fucker and go home. I promised Sam I’d watch a movie with him.”

“Thanks,” she snorts a laugh. “I’m glad to see you’re so happy about being here with me,” she says, crossing her arms. The movement has my eyes gazing down at her pushed up breasts. If I wasn’t in such a pissy mood, I’d fuck her here and now.

“Sorry,” I breathe out on a sigh while running a hand through my hair. “I’ve just been on edge since we went out for my birthday.”

“What happened?” she asks, looking like she’s ready to kill anyone who pissed me off. I smile at that, loving that she cares so much.

“Just some dumb guys making nasty comments about me and Sam and us being together.” I tell her, remembering how happy we were taking those photos, right up until they ruined it. “I guess I forgot not all people are amazing when it comes to accepting love like our little family is.”

“I know what you mean. Did you see that girl who came out of the bathroom?” Queenie asks with a grin.

Harlow was in a bad mood all night after we came home from celebrating mine and Cass’s birthday. It took all four of us fucking her until she passed out to keep her distracted. Then she woke up and snuggled up with Evie for the night. No one asked her about what happened, knowing it would just piss her off more.

“Yeah, the one who looked like a drowned rat?” I ask with a light chuckle.

“That one. The dumb bitch thought it would be fun to question and comment on how we run our little family. I didn’t like it. I wanted to kill her. Sadly, Harlow said no and took it into her own capable hands.”

“People are fucking stupid,” I mutter, shaking my head.

“Yes, and that makes for some fun playmates,” she laughs. “Like tonight's contestant.”

With that, she turns and heads for Luis’s door.

She slowly opens it, and we're greeted with another loud snore.

“God, I’d hate to have to sleep next to that,” Queenie whispers. “Good thing none of you snore or I’d smother you with a pillow.”

Fuck, I hope she’s not serious. Because, I snore... sometimes. Fuck, I’ve never been so turned on and frightened at the same time.

Queenie grabs one of her daggers from the holster on her right thigh and starts climbing on the bed.

My eyes widen, but I can’t say anything and risk him waking up. I rush over to stand next to the bed, my hand on my gun as I look at my bat-shit crazy girlfriend.

She crawls up his fucking body! A snarl of jealousy gets caught in my throat. She looks over at me and rolls her eyes as she positions herself over his thighs.

“Wakey, wakey, big boy,” she says, her voice ringing loud in the once quiet room. Queenie quickly jumps down on the guy, making him wake with a grunt, eyes flying open.

He locks eyes with Queenie, about to react to her presence, but she’s quicker. She presses her dagger to his neck before he can do anything. “Not so fast there Mr.,” she purrs. “Open your mouth and I’ll glide my pretty, sharp blade across your neck and watch you choke to death on your own blood.”

The guy sneers at her, but doesn't move or speak.

“Now, do you know who I am?” she asks him.

“Yes,” he grunts.

“And do you know why I’m here?”

“To kill me,” he states, his face deadpan and his voice monotone.

“No, silly,” she laughs. “I’m here to bring you home with me and keep you as my new pet until I’m ready to play.”

His brows furrow. “What the fuck? Fuck you,” he spits.

“Ha. If only you were so lucky. Now, I don’t trust you not to fight back, so I’m gonna have to knock you out. So, you ready to go see your brother?”

His eyes widen at that. “My brother is dead.”