Chapter 27


Why did I think thiswas a good idea? Why did I come along with this crazy woman?

Because I love her insane ass.

“Quiet,” Queenie hisses at me, spinning to stick her finger up to my lips.

“I didn’t say anything,” I growl back in a hushed tone.

Queenie said that grabbing Luis at the hotel would be too much of a risk, that when they are out of the warehouse they would have more men watching over him to be safe.

But it wouldn’t work anyway because Luis never seems to leave the damn building. Unlike the others, he doesn't seem to have the need to go out and get laid. Harlow thinks he’s been getting girls sent to the warehouse, but Queenie thinks it’s because he’s fucking his own men.

Whatever the reason is, it’s making it harder to get him to leave the warehouse. So, here we are at two am, in the dead of night, breaking into the warehouse. We looked over the blueprints before coming here. The place doesn’t seem to be set up to have people living inside it, so there’s only a few rooms inside.

“You’re doing it again,” she hisses as we creep through the building.

“Doing what? All I’m doing is fucking breathing.”

“Exactly,” she grins.Fucking brat.I bare my teeth at her.


She just grins wider, loving that she got me riled up like she always does.

Flipping me off, she spins back around, and we head deeper into the warehouse. There’s not many people in this big building, so it’s easy to sneak around in here. It helped that Queenie slit the throats of the men on guard. There’s maybe ten of them left at this point.

Evie found out that they have some more men set to come out any day, so we’ve been forced to move up our plans to get the last two men in charge. Queenie’s been itching for a D-Day anyways, so she had no complaints.

I can hear men laughing and chatting down stairs in the warehouse as we make our way to the first door. Queenie looks over to me, her eyes telling me to be ready.

She opens the door, but it’s just a storage room. “Fuck,” she whispers.

We try two more before we find a room with a man sleeping in a cot. But when I move to take a step forward, Queenie holds her arms back, keeping me in place. She shakes her head, then nods toward the door. This must be Diego.

“The only other room is at the fucking top of this building,” she mutters, leading me away from the space and men downstairs. “It’s gonna be a bitch getting him down to the main floor and out of here without being seen.”

A big boom sounds outside, making Queenie’s head snap to the window. “At least mother nature’s on our side. With this rare thunderstorm, it should drown out the sounds we make if it goes on long enough.”

“Good point. Let’s get moving.” She takes off, running down the platform over to another set of stairs and starts taking them two by two.

“Damn it,” I mutter, taking off after her.

When we get to the top, all the way at the end of the hall there’s a door. A loud snore comes from behind it, and Queenie grins.

“What would we have done if Luis was down there with his men?” I ask as we walk towards the door.

“I would have killed them all, and Neo would have been beyond pissed and held a grudge for life that he didn’t get to have a kidnapping date with me and take them both.”

“Why can’t we just do that?” I ask. “It makes more sense. The two birds with one stone bullshit.”

“Like I said. Neo would be pissed. And he’s been excited about this, wanting to be the one to come with me to take down their leader. It’s gonna be more bloody than tonight and the other nights.”

“Cass said his date with you was pretty fucked up.” I grin, raising a brow.

“Yeah,” she laughs. “That was fun. And now Angel can have his brother right alongside him in my own personal Hell I’ve made for them.”