“What happened?” Sam asks with concern.

“Just a stupid bitch running her mouth,” Harlow huffs. “You guys ready to go home? Queenie wants to come out, and I don’t think I’ll be able to keep her in much longer.”

“Yeah,” I agree. “We can go. Let's go find the others and tell them.”

Harlow nods, then takes off towards our table. A moment later, I see a woman coming out of the bathroom. Her hair is dripping wet, and her clothes are soaked.

“Not sure what she said, but I’m sure she deserved it,” Sam says. And I’m surprised to see the grin on his face.He thinks it’s funny.

I think he’s the perfect fit for our little fucked up family.


SORRY, NEO.I tell him as I head towards the showroom. The moment I heard Cass say something about Queenie being down there letting off some steam, I wanted to come out and play too.

“Fine. But you are not coming out when she takes me on our date to get Diego,”Neo responds.

Rolling my eyes, I agree and jog down the stairs. The glorious sounds of screaming mixed with the sounds ofDaisyby Ashnikko reach my ears.

My cock swells in my pants, getting harder and harder by the second. And the moment I walk into the room and see her with her eyes closed, dancing around with a dagger in her hand, I almost cum.

She’s covered in blood, and I look over to see a man strapped to a chair. He’s only in his boxers and different Mandala designs carved into his body. The only spot that’s not touched is a small spot in the middle of his chest.

Blood coats his body as it seeps from his wounds, and he shrieks out in pain..

“Mind if I draw something?” I shout over the music. I should have known better than to sneak up on Queenie because the moment I ask the question, she’s grabbing her gun, spinning around and firing shots at me. “Fuck,” I hiss, ducking out of the way.

“Neo!” she snaps. “You know better.”

“Not Neo, Little Queen.”

Her sexy red lips slip into a killer smile. “Beast,” she purrs. “Fancy seeing you here. It’s been awhile.”

“Far too fucking long,” I growl, charging towards her. Grabbing her by the throat, I jerk her towards me, making her stumble into my chest. My lips smash down onto hers in a bruising kiss.

“Fuck,” I growl at the sting of pain in my lip. “You fucking bit me?” I wipe the blood on the corner of my mouth and lick my lips, tasting the tangy copper.

She grins, sucking the blood off her own lips. Her eyes are feral and wide with hunger. “Allow me,” she purrs, grabbing my hand and bringing my thumb up to her mouth. She stares at me as she flicks her tongue out, lapping at the blood.

I want to fuck her. I’mgoingto fuck her. Right here in this puddle of blood. I don’t give a fuck if there is someone in the room. Let him watch. If you're given one last memory, why not watch a fucking Queen in her glory?

“Little Queen,” I chuckle. “You're just asking to be fucked right now aren’t you?”

“Maybe.” She smirks, then turns to the man who’s still screaming at us. I almost forgot he was here. “But I say we deal with him first. Then I’ll allow you to fuck me until my pussy is raw, and my voice is hoarse from screaming your name.”

My cock is so painfully hard right now, I’m seconds away from whipping it out and just jerking off while she kills this fucker.

“Deal,” I growl, then look at the bloody mess sitting in the chair. “So, who’s this guy?”

“Cory Randell,” she says, stepping towards him. The name doesn’t ring any bells, but the way she’s looking at him, I feel like this is personal to her. That makes my hackles rise.What did this man do to my Queen?“Triver had to have help the night I sent his little boy’s club up in flames. He was burnt badly. I’m talking like well done,” she snorts. “So, he would have had to have someone to help him heal, somewhere to stay. No way he did it all on his own right?”

“Right,” I nod.

“Wanna know a secret? And you have to promise not to say anything,” she tells me, pointing the dagger at me.

“I promise, my Little Queen. My lips are sealed.” I grin, making a zipped lip motion and throwing away the imaginary key.

She narrows her eyes at me like she’s wondering if she can trust me. After a moment she must decide that she can because she continues. “When Harlow goes to sleep, I come out to play,” she admits to me, turning to the guy again. She takes the tip of the dagger and lightly drags it over the man’s wounds. It’s not enough to leave anymore damage than there already is, but enough to cause more pain to the already painful cuts. He cries out, cursing Queenie, but she ignores him.