I stick the money in, and the screen starts to count down. “Ready?” I ask, looking over at him with a smile so big my face hurts. I don’t remember ever being this happy. I have two people I love with all my heart and soul by my side. Life can’t get much better than that.

“Ready,” he says, grinning back. The first photo goes off, capturing both of us with beaming smiles.

Then we turn to each other, getting lost in each other’s eyes. The next photo goes off, and by the third one, we’re locked in a soft but heated kiss.

The kids running by, screaming and laughing have us breaking the kiss. “We should get out of here before Harlow comes looking,” Sam suggests, his breathing a little uneven.

“Let her join,” I groan. My cock now hard as stone.

“Axel,” he laughs.

“Fine,” I huff. “Let’s go get our photos.”

We get out of the booth, and I go to grab the photos that should be waiting for us outside, but nothing is there.

“Looking for these?” someone asks from behind me.

Spinning around, I find a group of three guys standing there with Sam’s and my photos in his hand.

“Yeah, thanks,” I say, holding my hand out for them, but he doesn't give them to me. He just snorts a laugh and looks at the photos, then looks back to Sam and me.

“Really? I’d assumed he was gay,” he starts, nodding his head towards Sam before continuing “But you?”

Anger starts to boil in me like a tea kettle on the stove. I have no fucking time for homophobic assholes like him today.

“Give me the fucking photos,” I growl.

“So, who takes it up the ass?” he asks with a laugh. “I bet it's him. He seems like a little bitch who’s just asking for it.”

Fuck this shit. I don’t even care about the photos anymore. I just wanna punch this bastard’s face in.

Charging towards him until I’m right up in his personal space, I grab his shirt bringing us nose to nose, and the humor slips from his face. “Talk about my boyfriend like that again, and I’ll fucking kill you,” I snarl. My chest is heaving now, my body vibrating with fury. All I wanna do is feel his bones break beneath my hands.

“Axel,” Sam’s soft voice breaks through the blood pounding in my ears. “Let him go. He’s not worth it.”

Looking over my shoulder, I see Sam standing a few feet behind me. He looks a little uneasy, but he stands his ground.

“Let him go. Please?” Sam asks me.

“You're lucky that he’s a better man than I am,” I say, turning back to the guy. He can't be more than twenty-one. “Here's a bit of advice; don’t be a homophobic asshole or you might end up dead.” I let go of him, pushing him and making him stumble back into his friends.

“Hey,” Sam says, cupping my face with his hands. “It’s okay.”

“No, it’s not,” I growl.

“I’ve been called worse, Axel. I know the world isn’t all rainbows and sunshine. Not everyone will be alright with who we choose to love. But they don’t matter. Only we do, only us.”

“Only us.” I nod, letting out a breath. “I’m so proud of you,” I say, a smile finding my lips again.

“For what?” he asks.

“For staying. For calming me down when I was ready to crush that asshole,” I explain.

Sam gives me a soft smile. “I’ll always be there for you, Axel.”

I’m about to kiss him when I see Harlow storming out of the bathroom.

“Queenie!” I shout, not using her real name out in public. Her head snaps over to me, her face a mask of rage.