Leaving my men at the table, I head into the girls’ bathroom. When I get in there, I pee, then wash my hands. As I’m fixing my lipstick, a woman comes out from one of the stalls.

She looks up and notices me in the mirror, and the sour look she gives me has me raising a brow.

“What’s your problem?” I ask. You wanna look at me like that, you don’t deserve my politeness.

“I saw you out there,” she accuses, crossing her arms and cocking her head slightly. She reminds me of the moms from Rosie’s school.

“Congratulations. Your eyes work,” I say, giving her a fake as hell smile. That only makes her scowl harder.

“Are you, like... dating all of them?”

Capping my lipstick, I put it back in my purse and turn to her. “Who?”

“All the guys I’ve seen you kiss tonight? Even that girl you're with.” The look of disgust on her face has my lip curling back, and the need to smash her stupid face in takes over.

“Yeah, I am dating them all. I’m fucking them all too. Got a problem with that?” I ask, taking a step towards her.

“That’s disgusting. And you do that around the little girl that you came here with?” she shakes her head. “You should be ashamed of yourself. Have some respect for yourself, and don’t act like a whore.”

Oh no, no she did not. “Fuck her up or I will,”Queenie tells me.With pleasure, I tell her back.

“So, it’s wrong to love someone? Is it wrong to have amazing people who worship the ground I walk on, treat me like a queen, and fuck me like the gods they are until I’m cumming so hard I don’t remember how to speak? Well,” I pause to laugh, “If that’s wrong, then there’s no fucking way in hell I ever wanna be right. And that woman you speak of? She can eat pussy better than any man.” I grin, loving the wide eyes she gives me.

“Let me tell you what’s actually wrong. What’s wrong is your judgmental ass coming up to a stranger and telling them how to live their life. What’s wrong is you putting down another woman without even knowing the situation. Even if you did, it’s none of your fucking business.” I walk towards her, making her back up until her back hits the out-of-order stall door.

“And that little girl? She’s loved more than anyone else in that house. She knows what true love is. She knows her worth because I remind her every day. There will never come a day where my little girl ever lets a man or woman tell her how to live her life. So don’t feel bad for her. Because honey, she’s living a better life than you at only five years old.”

She says nothing and tries to step around me, but I move with her. “L-let me go,” she says, trying to stand her ground but failing horribly.

“Or what?” I ask.

“I’ll scream,” she threatens.

A grin takes over my lips. “Please do. Let them see the show.”

“The show?” she asks, her brows furrowing.

“Well, you don’t think I’d just let you say those nasty things to me and let you get away with it? I think we need to wash your mouth out.” I don’t give her time to reply, grabbing a handful of her short blonde hair.

She lets out a god awful scream, like a cat getting its tail pulled as I kick one of the bathroom stall doors in. “In you go,” I say, dragging her inside, kicking and screaming. But she’s only making it worse for herself.

I yank her head down, shoving it into the toilet. And with the other hand I push down the handle. The toilet flushes as I give her a swirly. She lets out muffled screams as she chokes on the water. “That’s it, let it in, get every inch clean.”

After I think she’s had enough, I pull her head out and toss her to the floor. “Now, next time you go opening that big mouth of yours, think twice about what comes out of it. No one likes it when people spew shit,” I sneer, about fucking done with people today.

Stepping over her, I leave her there, coughing like crazy on the bathroom floor.


“COME ON,” I TELL SAM, getting out of our booth.

“Where are we going?” he asks, looking towards the bathroom where Harlow went. “Harlow is gonna wonder where I went.”

“We won’t take long. I just wanna get some photos from the photo booth,” I say, looking over at the booth next to one of the arcade games. “We’ll be quick.”

“Alright.” He smiles, taking my hand and letting me pull him from his seat. “Only because it’s your birthday.” He gives me a sassy smirk, and my heart swells.

Since we took that step, things have been progressing with him and me. We haven’t had sex yet, but I’m fine with that. We’ve been making out a lot more, touching each other, and I’ve been a lucky fucker to be able to go down on him. He was embarrassed because he didn’t last long, but I didn’t care. This is all new to him, and I love that I can get him worked up so easily. He does the same to me.