Chapter 26


“Why do we have to comehere?” Axel mutters as we get out of the car, looking up at the mouse on the Chuck-E-Cheese building. “This isn’t where I want to spend my birthday.”

“It’s not just your birthday,” Cass says, coming to stand next to us with Rosie on his hip. “And, I want to spend it with my whole family.”

“But again, why this place?” Axel growls. “We could have gone to a real restaurant. Hell, I would have taken ordering in at home over this,” he complains, waving his hand towards the restaurant.

“It’s fun,” Rosie says. “There's yummy pizza and lots of games.”

“I don’t think you have the right to pick where we go. You had a whole damn circus for your birthday. You had your fun.”

“Really?” Cass asks, giving his brother an unimpressed look. “You're gonna fight with a five-year-old?”

I just stand back and let them bicker, smirking at Rosie as she wiggles down from her dad's arms.

“That’s okay, Daddy. He knows I’d win,” she says with a shrug. My brows rise as a grin slips across my face. Fuck, this is gold.

Neo roars with laughter. “Snap. You got owned.”

“You can’t be talking,” Rosie sasses, turning her gaze to Neo. “How’s it feel to be twenty bucks short?” she says, lifting up her purse and jutting her chin out. Neo’s laughter dies, his face falling into a scowl.

I have no idea how this little one did it, but she managed to get Neo to clean up her duck’s poop and have him pay her to do it. Hell, from the look on Neo’s face, I don’t even think he knows how that happened.

The world isn’t ready for Rosie. And I fear for any man or woman who crosses her.

Biting my lip, I try really hard not to laugh.

“Come on, Mama. I’m hungry,” she says, holding her hand out to me.

Sam steps up to Axel, taking his hand and leaning up to whisper something into his ear. Whatever he said has Axel relaxing a bit. Neo, however, pushes past all of us, muttering nonsense under his breath. Evie takes Rosie’s other hand, and we take off to go inside.

I’m so glad Sam agreed to come here today. He wanted to celebrate his boyfriend's birthday, and he wasn’t going to let anything get in his way.

But Axel and I talked, agreeing that we would be ready to leave the moment things become too much for him and that Cass could stay with Rosie.

Sam has come so far since the night at the club. I was so turned on by the end of the lap dance I gave Sam that I felt bad that I had to get one of the guys to help me take off the edge. But when Sam told me what happened with him and Axel, I swooned like a schoolgirl.

We spent a solid hour talking about everything, and yes, some of that was on how fucking monstrous Axel’s cock is.

I’ll be needing some of that again soon.

When we get inside, the place is pretty tame. It’s a weekday, and seven at night. The rush hour has passed, and most kids are at home getting ready for bed. Rosie has school tomorrow, but it’s a special occasion, so we made an exception.

We are seated on the other side of the room to get a table that’s away from most of the people, and I find Neo already there. He’s just standing, staring at the animatronics. This is one of the only locations left that even has them anymore.

“Uh, everything okay, Neo?” I ask, stepping in front of him. But I’m too short to block the way of whatever it is he’s staring at.

“It can see into my soul,” he says in a whisper.

“What?” I ask, brows furrowed as I turn to look at the characters. I have no fucking idea what most of them are other than the mouse and the duck.

“His eyes,” Neo says, pointing to the mouse as if he was in some sort of state of shock.

Getting a real look at the mouse’s eyes, I get a shiver of unease.Damn, they really are creepy as hell.

“Just... don’t look,” I tell him, pulling at his arm and trying to get him to follow me to our table.