My eyes widened. Fuck. There’s blood coating my hands, my face, my whole fucking body, and I just fucked her with it. It's not like her last D-Day. She tests those victims beforehand, but then I remember, sighing in relief.

“We should be good. I broke into your office and got your list of your future kills after you left.”

“The list on the pretty sparkly paper in my locked filing cabinet?” she asks, narrowing her eyes at me.

“Yeah, that one,” I say, winking at her.

“You’re lucky! They were already tested, but fuck you! Now I have to find new people.” She pouts her bottom lip out a little bit. “You’re so wasteful! You blew through a year's worth of victims in a month,” she says with a growl.

I just shrug. “So what's the other thing?”

“Real talk. I’m not going anywhere. Neo is safe with me, I promise. I think it's time for you to calm down, and let him back in control. I won't hurt him again. You have my word.”

I can tell she means it. I can see it deep within her expressive eyes. Neo is banging against the door that’s separating us in the back of our mind. He’s ready. He watched everything, and now he wants his Mistress. I can relax.

Closing my eyes, I nod. It takes a moment, but not a moment too soon, Neo slips back into the driver's seat.


LIKE A SWITCH, I GOfrom locked behind a door, watching out the windows of my eyes, to being back in my body, and back in control. My head snaps down, needing to know if everything that I just sawactuallyhappened. That it isreal.

“Harlow?” I breathe out, my heart filling up with so much fucking joy it hurts. “You’re back!”

“Hi, Pet. I’m back.” She gives me a hesitant smile like she doesn’t know if I'm going to snap at her too, but I won't. That's Beast, not me. I’m just so fucking ecstatic to have my Queen back... under me... with my cock still inside her. I look down between us, then back at her. She gives me a sexy smile, squeezing my length with her pussy which makes me grunt, and has my semi-hard cock going fully erect. “Careful what you start,” I saw with a grin.

She laughs at my eagerness before bringing us back to reality. “As much as I would really love to go for round two, I think that hand needs to be taken care of, you know with it gushing blood and everything.” She cocks a brow, gesturing to my hand with a nod of her head. She grips the handle, telling me, “You're gonna have to lift your hand when I lift the dagger. If I pull it out completely, you're gonna bleed even more and you’ve already lost enough blood.”

Now that she mentions it, I do feel lightheaded. I thought it was because all my blood went to my cock, but nope, it's all over this table and floor.

“One. Two. Three.” We work together, getting my hand free from the table with the dagger still embedded.

“Fuck,” I groan out in agony when I instinctively try to flex my hand. Taking a second to compartmentalize the pain I’m in, I pull out of her, taking a gush of my cum with me, and allowing her to sit up.

“Did you really have to stab me?” I pout.

She rubs her blood-covered thumb against my lower lip. Leaning in, she sucks the blood off my lip with a moan. Fuck’s sake, I'm trying to get this dude to go down, not to get it so big that it feels like it’s gonna explode, and I don't mean like cumming everywhere... again. I mean, like my whole fucking cock bursting into a million pieces from the pressure building within.

“I didn't stabyou, silly,” she says while rolling her eyes. “I stabbed your beast. There's a difference.”

She has me there. I had no control over what he did. He did deserve it.

“Fucking bastard, leaving me with the aftermath,” I growl, hearing his laughter echoing from deep within the back of my mind.

“How about we clean this up, then I'll kiss it better? Then I'll kiss this better.” She grips my cock, giving it a few teasing strokes, making me grunt again. “Then you can kiss this better.” She grabs my free hand, bringing it to her cum covered pussy, rubbing my fingers in it before bringing it up to her lips. She slowly licks my seed off my fingers, her pretty pink tongue lapping at them, and I wished so fucking bad that she was doing it to my cock.

“God, that’s so fucking hot. You’re so fucking hot,” I groan. She lets go of my hand when she's done, licking her lips, and savoring every last drop of me from my fingers.

“Neo?” she asks, her face growing serious.

“Yes, my Queen?” I lean in, feathering my lips against hers.

“I’m sorry,” she whispers. My heart threatens to beat out of my chest. It’s enough. It's all I need from her because those two little words are packed with so much meaning, especially coming from her.

I capture her lips with mine, needing one more taste of her before we go.

“Never again?” I ask with pleading eyes.

“Never again,” she says with a nod.

“Well, I guess we should take care of this?” I laugh, holding up my hand as the blood drips down the tip of the blade and onto the floor.

“Yeahhhh, that's probably the best idea.” She hops off the table and walks over to her ripped shorts. “Here. Put this under your hand to catch the blood. I will have a litter of kittens if you drop so much as one droplet of blood on any part of my very expensive car. We can head to the club. When I’m done with this, I need to see Evie.”

She turns and starts to head out the door, bending over to grab her gun that fell out when Beast ripped her shorts off. Her ass jiggles with every step, and I almost trip over my feet as my attention becomes solely fixated on her round peachy ass.

She giggles when she hears my misstep.

It's good to be back. To have her back. Something tells me this is only the beginning of a very fucked-up and exciting future we will have together. I can’t wait for every twisted moment.
