“I’m not talking to you,” I say in a sugary sweet tone, but I still don’t take my eyes off this fucking creep. He's not looking at me like he should. Like he could lose his life if he blinks wrong. No, this cocksucker is eyeing me up like I am a fucking piece of meat. “I'm talking to the little boy you’re straddling."

He breaks out a laugh. “Oh, trust me, babe. There is nothing little about me. Just ask my girl here.” He grips Alex’s hips, making her grind into his crotch. She tries to get away but he holds her in place. She looks over at me again, pleading with her eyes. I see it now. It’s not what I thought at first. I thought she was breaking my rule by bringing a man in my club, someone she’s fucking or dating, doesn’t matter, she knows my rules.

“I think you need to letMYgirl go,” I say, my smile slipping from my face.

“Do you want to take her place?” he licks his lips as he looks me up and down again. It takes everything in me not to take my dagger and gouge his eyes out. I’ll save that for later.

I haven't forgotten the fact that I'm standing here in front of everyone in just my corset, panties, and Neo’s cum dried on my inner thigh, but I couldn't care less. They’ve seen me in worse ways.

"Ohhhh. You gone done it now,” Neo says in a shitty southern accent, shoving a handful of popcorn into his mouth, taking a seat next to the guy. I do a double take.Where the fuck did he get popcorn!?And I thought I told him to go clean up and go home.

The guy looks at him, raising a brow at Neo’s close proximity. “Mind fucking off?” Alex whimpers.

“Not gonna happen.” Neo gives him a grin in return. “I want front row seats for this.”

“For what?" the dumb fuck asks.

Neo looks at me. “Can I play with this one? Pretty please?” he pouts.

“How about I share my new toy?” I ask, giving him a wink. I guess he can stay and have a little fun.

“Sold!” he whoops loudly, knocking his popcorn and sending some pieces to the floor. He looks down with a pout.

“What are you two going on about?” That's all he can say before I put my arms around Alex's waist, pulling her off him and onto the floor.

Once her ass hits the ground, he jumps up. “What the fuck did you do that for?” he spits. “Why don't you mind your own fucking business and leave me and my girl be?”

Pulling out my gun from the holster on my thigh, I click off the safety, leveling it to his forehead. He's suddenly, he’s quick to shut his big mouth up. His eyes widen, and his body goes stiff.

“Seriously, babe? Where did you find this fuck-tard? Does he even know who I am?” I ask Alex as she scrambles to get up off the floor.

“I know who you are.” He jets his chin out, but I can see the fear behind his eyes. “I just don't care. My father is the president of the Phantom Reapers.” He says it like I should be quaking in my converse.

I tilt my head to the side. “Oh, really? The LA Chapter?”

He gives me a smirk. “Yup.”

“Nice!” I smile, cocking the gun. “My bestie, Tyson, his father, is the president of the Canadian chapter. I should tell him that I ran into a fellow Reaper.”

The man’s face pales. “You know Tyson Kingston?”

“Oh yeah, we go way back.” Well not really, we just met last year. We met at one of my clubs after it opened. He was in town to meet with the LA chapter with his dad and stopped in. Found him beating the shit out of a man who tried something on one of my girls. The look in his eyes when he gave me a recap of what happened told me everything I needed to know about him. He's hot as sin, so I took him for a test ride. Big cock, but dude can't handle me in bed, so I adopted him as a best friend instead. He was the first man outside of my employees to earn my respect, and therefore would be given my protection if he ever needed it.

“So here's the dealio. I’m gonna kick your ass; it's just how it's gonna go,” I say with a giggle. “It will be fun, I promise... Well, for me at least.”

“And me,” Neo adds with a chuckle, eating another handful of popcorn.

“I’m not afraid of—” A loud bang ricochet's around the room as I pull the trigger, shooting him in the foot. He lets out a roar, dropping to the ground.

“What was that? I couldn’t hear you through all the noise,” I ask innocently.

“Dumb—” I cut him off again, shooting him in the shoulder.

“Darn it. Sorry about that, my gun seems to have a mind of its own. Let’s try that again shall we?” He goes to say something, but I don't let him get any words out, shooting him in the other shoulder. “Oops. Silly thing.”

I turn to Neo. “Pet.”

“Yes, Mistress?” he purrs, looking at me through hooded eyes. He loves when I get all murdery and shit.