He bites his lower lip while looking around at the guys huddled around him, who are all looking down at the boy with fighting stares. I hold back a grin because they all see Penny like a sister too. She spends a lot of time with their niece. And Cass trusts her with his daughter, so she means a lot to him as well.

“Well. It’s still pretty new. We’ve only been dating a few months. But, I love her.”

“You love a girl you’ve only known a few months?” I ask, cocking a brow. “Don’t you think you're too young for that?”

He shakes his head. “No. I might only be nineteen, but I knew I wanted to be with Penny for the rest of my life the moment we had our first conversation.”

Axel lets out a snort. “Yeah until another pretty girl comes along and your horny ass fucks her over.”

“N–no.” He shakes his head. “Penny is it for me. I don’t want any other woman.”

“You say that now,” Neo scoffs. “Then you're going to break her heart, and I’ll have to add your dick to that lovely collection up there,” Neo says, grabbing the guy's head and forcing him to look at the jars of dismembered body parts displayed on the wall. The boy's eyes go wide, and he swallows thickly.

“You know what we do with people who hurt one of our own, so are you sure you wanna take that risk? You can break up with Penny now, save her the pain later, and we won’t hurt you,” I tell him. “Because if you don't leave now, and you take that risk, you have to deal with us. All of us.”

Robby looks around, his body shaking.

“Boo!” Neo shouts, jumping in his face. Robby screams, then the smell of urine hits my nose. Fuck, we made the poor kid piss himself. I kind of feel bad.

“Did you just piss yourself?” Axel grimaces.

Robby closes his eyes and takes a deep breath. Embarrassment clear on his face but he holds his ground.

“You can beat me, stab me, or shoot me but I won't be leaving Penny unless it's what she wants. No one can keep me away from her. I will spend the rest of my life making sure she is cared for and happy. I don't know how right now, but I will find a way. My home life is shit, and Penny is my light in all the darkness. She’s rare and I won't let anyone scare me away.”

I take a moment, twirling my dagger around in my hand as I stare him down. He watches, swallowing hard again.

“Alright,” I say, stabbing my desk. He jumps back and looks at me with shock.

“W–what do you mean?”

“As long as you treat Penny like the queen she is, we will let you keep seeing her. But be warned, you will not make it out of this alive if you ever put your hands on her.”

“I understand. I won't let you or Penny down.”


“Umm...” he says, looking sheepish. “Is there anywhere I can clean up before seeing Penny again? That man is scary as hell, and so are you. So you can't blame me for ... well...” He looks down at his crotch.

“You’re good. We’ve made cold-blooded killers and rapists crap themselves too.” Neo grins at him. “It’s fun.”

“You can use my bathroom,” I say, pointing behind me. “Leave your pants in the trash and I'll get Evie to bring you something to change into,” I say, getting up out of my chair and walking around to the guys. “We have a playdate to attend to.” I smile down at him.

Once we leave the office we come upon Penny pacing back and forth in front of the couch. Her head snaps over to us when she hears the door open. “Is he okay?” she asks, her eyes filled with worry.

“He’s fine. He really loves you.” I smile at her. Her face morphs into one of pure love and joy.

“I love him too,” she says, her voice low.

“You know we did that because we care about you, and just want you to be safe.”

“I know,” she says. I pull her into a hug. I think I took her by surprise because it takes her a moment before she wraps her arms around me too.

“He’s just using the washroom. He’ll be out in a minute.”

“He peed himself, didn't he?” she asks, a grin playing on her lips.

I put my finger up to my lips and shoot her a wink. “Have fun tonight.”