Chapter 24


“Ithink this is thefirst time we’ve been closed on New Year’s Eve,” Evie says, looking around the empty room.

“I want to spend tonight with all the people I love.” I smile at her, grabbing her hand and placing a kiss on it. Her eyes grow hooded and I love how she shifts her thighs, wanting some friction from my touch alone. I just wanna pounce on her and eat her like a juicy watermelon every time I see her sexy face.

“Something tells me this isn't going to be some nice, relaxing last day of the year.” Evie grins.

“Damn right, it's not!” Neo says, dragging in some guy who's bound and gagged. “Lookie, who I found. Some fresh meat right off the pervert express.”

“Yay!” I say, clapping my hands, and skipping over to Neo. “What did you bring me, my Pet?” I purr, stroking his arm. His eyes flash with hunger before tossing the guy to the ground so he can wrap his arms around my waist, pulling me to his hard muscular body.

“Found him beating a homeless man.”

My brows raise in confusion. “I mean it's a shitty thing to do, but why not just kick his ass back? I’m not sure that’s playdate worthy.”

“Oh, but it is,” Neo says, his smile slowly growing into an eerie grin. “You see, the reason he was beating the homeless man is because, said homeless man helped get this sack of shit off of a girl he was about to rape. This dickhead didn't like that someone had an issue with what he was doing, so he beat the old man, and now we get to kill him.”

The guy whimpers against his gag, his eyes filled with fear. He wiggles his hands bound hands in front of him, trying to get the tape off, but it's no use. Neo wrapped it so tight that the guy's hands are turning purple. He tries to back away, shuffling himself backwards.

Neo grabs a beer bottle from the bar and tosses it at the guy's head. It hits him with a loud thunk before crashing to the ground. “That should shut him up for a bit.”

“You better clean that up because I sent everyone home for the night,” I chastise.

Neo cringes. “Sorry. I'll do it after we have some fun.”

“Hey, are you guys ready to go?” Cass asks, walking into the club. He looks at us, then down at the passed out dude on the ground. “I’m gonna take that as a no.” He raises a brow.Smart man.

“I called it.” Axel chuckles. “Hand it over.” He holds out his hand to Dean. Dean sighs as he pulls out his wallet, handing Axel a hundred-dollar bill.

“And what exactly did you call?” I ask Axel, giving him my best resting bitch face.

“That you would find some way to fit one last kill in this year.” Axel grins. It’s an amused one, not a cocky one or a cruel one. It looks nice on him. Too bad his big mouth ruins it.

“I mean, it's not New Years without at least one dead body,” I say like it should be obvious.

“Queenie.” I look up to see Penny walking into the room. Her eyes widen when she sees the man on the ground, but quickly looks away.

“Yes?” I grin.

“Umm...” She bites her lip as she picks at the bottom of her sweater.

“Penny, what's going on?” I ask, not liking how nervous she looks.

“Never mind,” she says as she starts to turn around.

“Penny. Stop,” I say, my voice firm. She freezes knowing not to disobey me. She turns around to look at me, slight fear clouding her eyes.

“I... I wanted to know if my... my boyfriend could come over,” she asks shyly.

Boyfriend?We don't allow anyone who doesn’t work for me to make it past those gates to the townhomes behind this building.

“You have a boyfriend?” I ask slowly. Penny has become like a little sister to me. She watches my daughter and is over all the time. After what happened in the past, the idea of her being with someone makes my skin itch.

“I know you don't like outsiders, it's just... I really like him. He's so sweet to me and treats me well. His parents are assholes and kicked him out so they can have people over.”

“No.” Her face drops with a look of disappointment. “I’m sorry, but you know the rules. I can’t let anyone in, especially a stranger, and risk the safety of the girls; no matter how amazing you might think he is.”