“Sam,” Cass says. He's leaning against the wall, watching us.Eavesdropper much?“How would you like to be Rosie’s nanny? You can move into the guest room you were sleeping in last night.”

“W–what?” he asks, his eyes wide, surprise in his voice.

“With Harlow at work, and us guys going back to work at our company more, we’re going to need someone to watch Rosie when we can’t. We can drop her off at school and pick her up, but you can care for her while she's not in school and we are working. She loves you and you're amazing with her.”

“Really?” he asks, his eyes shining with possible tears. “What do you think?” he asks me.

“I think it's an amazing idea... and I'm kinda pissed I didn't think of it myself,” I growl playfully at Cass, narrowing my eyes.

“You can't always be the one with the master plans, my dear.” Cass gives me a warm smile and it has my pussy dripping. I’m used to being a horny fucker, but damn, between Evie and the guys, there is a permanent puddle between my thighs.

“Alright. If you're sure, I’d love to. It will be nice to be closer to everyone.”

“Uncle Sam!” Rosie says running up to us and grabbing his hand. “Come see all the presents!”

This is his first Christmas in God knows how long. We spoiled the shit out of him and I hope we can make this one of the best days ever for him.

The two of them take off down the hall as Cass follows after them and I look to Evie. “Move in too.”

“What?” she asks, eyes wide.

“Move in with us too. I miss you when you're away. I want you here with us. You’re family. Also being roomies with you was always fun. Except, now this time we get the added bonus of orgasms.” I waggle my eyebrows.

“But we were in the same room together for years. I thought you liked having your own space now.”

“It’s what I needed when we got out. I needed to be alone to show myself I wasn’t trapped. That I could have a life I completely controlled. But I’ve changed a lot. And, Evie baby, I miss you. I want you here to hold me every night.”

Her eyes shine with tears, and I’m trying my hardest to hold mine in.

“I missed you. I know you're here. But when we had our sleepovers and I got to hold you while watching movies, I felt whole.”

“Fuck. You’re gonna make me cry” I laugh, wiping my eyes.

“I didn't know Queenie could do that.” She giggles, wiping her own away.

“No, but Harlow can,” I tell her, pulling her into a kiss. I kiss her with all my love and adoration for her. “I love you, Evie. You will always be number one in my heart,” I say softly, putting my forehead to hers.

“Yes,” she says.


“I’ll move in.”

My face hurts from all the smiling I’m doing today, but I wouldn't change it for the world.

The day goes by way too fast. We have a big breakfast, spend the day making cookies, and watching movies in our PJs. Sam was in happy tears at everything we got him and he made a joke that at least we don't have to drag it all back to the apartment now that he will be moving in.

Sam and Evie end up calling it an early night around the time we put Rosie to bed, leaving me with the guys.

“Open mine first,” Neo says, giving me a few different sized boxes. We’re sitting in the living room opening each other's gifts. Neo insisted we wait until Rosie was in bed, so God only knows what is in all these boxes. “This one’s right now. These ones are for last,” Neo informs me, pointing to the four boxes next to me on the ground, all the same size. Opening the big flat one on my lap, I see that it is a bloodred, velvet box. “Open it!” Neo says eagerly. I laugh, and open the box, gasping when I see some of the most beautiful jewelry ever known to man.

“Neo, they're gorgeous,” I gasp.

“They are all blood infused.” He grins, reminding me about the comment I made when he gave me my crown. I didn't think he would remember, oractually doit.

“This one has Axel’s blood.” He clasps a bracelet around my wrist before picking up a pair of teardrop earrings. “These have Dean’s,” he says, handing them over so that I can immediately put them on. “This has Cass’,” he continues, getting up to clasp a matching choker-style necklace around my neck.

“And this one has mine,” he says in a soft tone, slipping a stunning ring onto my ring finger. I shake my head, but let him have his moment, although, it quickly gets interrupted when Axel opens his mouth.