“True, but we can still do this,” I say, scooping up some snow and making it into a ball before launching it at Axel’s face. I can't help but snicker at his look of shock as the snow drips down and gets stuck in his beard.

“Oh, it's like that, is it?” he says, quickly bending down and making his own ball. He launches it at me, but I duck and it hits Dean in the ass instead. He was bending down to make his own, and the hit sends him flying to the ground.

“Snowball fight!” Neo screams and we all start launching snowballs at each other until our clothes are soaked. Seeing everyone happy, laughing, and getting along fills me with new emotions that I don't completely hate. But I can't help but think that the other shoe is going to drop soon. Because, since when do I get a happily ever after?

“Alright, Little Miss, time to get you to bed. It's late.”

“Mama, thank you. This was the best Christmas ever,” she says, hugging me around my waist.

“Anything for you, baby girl. Always.”

“WAKE UP!” NEO SAYS, bouncing on my bed. “Come on, it's Christmas!”

“Go away! I wanna sleep,” I whine, rolling over and snuggling into Evie’s cheek.

“Seriously, you're worse than Rosie,” Evie mutters, throwing a pillow at him before snuggling up to me.

“Come on Mama and Auntie Evie. Santa came last night, even though you told him not to.”Speak of the princess and she will appear.

“Alright, alright,” I mutter.

Rosie takes off back the way she came, Daisy waddling behind her. I smile and turn back to my lovers just in time to see Evie’s foot snake out, catching onto Neo’s on his next jump, making him trip and fall off the bed.

“You know, you're lucky you’re my Queen’s girlfriend,” Neo grumbles as he picks himself up off the ground.

“Or what?” my feisty girl challenges. I love that the more time she spends with these assholes the more she breaks out of her own shell. She takes no shit, and it’s fucking sexy.

“Enough foreplay or I’ll never get out of bed.” I grin at them.

Evie blushes, making my smile widen. I lean up and kiss her pink cheeks.

“Here, put these on,” Neo says, tossing a bag onto the bed.

“What's this?” I ask.

“Matching PJs,” he says with an excited smile. I take a look at what he's wearing now that I’m fully awake. It's a fucking photo of all the animals in this house together with little Santa hats on.

“Okay, not gonna lie, this is pretty awesome.” I laugh, pulling it out of the bag and changing.

“The guys have them too.” Neo laughs. “Axel isn’t happy, but how do you say no when Rosie asks you?”

“You don't,” Evie states.

“Exactly!” Neo nods.

He leaves and Evie gets changed too. When we get out into the hall, I see Sam standing in the doorway wearing his own pair of matching PJs. My heart fills with warmth seeing him here with us. Sam means a lot to me, a lot more than I thought he would.

He gives me a small smile but it’s filled with so much emotion it makes my heart flutter.

Holding out my hand for him, he races over to me and takes it. “Morning and Merry Christmas,” he says.

“Good morning. How did you sleep?” I smile up at him, brushing the blond strands out of his face. His eyes close and he leans into my touch.

“Better,” he breathes before opening up his eyes. “I like knowing there are other people around. I thought being by myself would be a nice change, but it's... it's getting lonely.”

I don't like the sad look on his face. I don't like seeing him unhappy, and knowing that he's lonely makes me feel like shit.

“Would you like to hang out here more?” I ask.