“You already did. On the floor.” I point to the puddle and then Dean takes a step back only now noticing the cum.

“I promise not to punch him in the dick again, but this is a little drastic, don't you think?” His shoulders slump and his kissable lips turn into a pout.

“I think you need to learn you’re not the only one I have sex with anymore. I love how jelly you get when it comes to anyone else, but not with them, or Evie. I’m with them as well. You’ve gotten a little too comfy just being the only one to have my body, but that's gotta change. So, sit down like a good Pet, and maybe if you’re good enough, I’ll give your candy cane a good suck later.”

His pupils grow and he rushes to go take a seat.

“Can he at least put his dick away?” Dean asks.

Neo rolls his eyes and tucks himself away.

For the next hour, Dean and Cass take turns fucking my brains out. By the end of it, I’m just a puddle of goo. I’m sore, and very, very satisfied. I almost feel bad for Neo. That boner he has isn't going away any time soon.

“ON THE TWELFTH DAYof Christmas my Queen gave to me: twelve guns a shooting, eleven eyeballs missing, ten men a screaming, nine strippers stripping, eight maids a sparkling, seven goats a leaping, six ducks a laying, five dead bodies, four orgasms, three little piggies, two daggers stabbing, and a human skull on top of the treeeee,” Neo sings. We all just stare at him, that big ass smile on his face like he’s proud of himself.Going carolling might not have been a good idea.

“What?” he asks the people at the door that just stand there gaping at him. “Don't you like my song? I wrote it myself,” he asks.

They slam the door shut, and Neo looks at us with a shrug. “I thought it was good.”

“It was amazing. But not everyone likes the things we do. So how about we stick to normal Christmas songs when we go carolling, okay?”

“Fine,” he mutters, rolling his eyes.

“Mama, I wanna go sledding,” Rosie says, looking up at me with her bright, blue eyes as she holds my hand. We decided to check out the Christmas activities in our neighborhood. Nothing really special. It’s a lot like the ones they always put on, but Christmas-themed. Rosie loves the games and petting zoo, so we came, mostly for her. Well, herandNeo because, let's be honest, he's just as much of a kid as she is.

“Rose Petal, we live in south California. We don't get snow,” Cass says. He holds her other hand as we swing her back and forth between us. She stops and gives us a pouty face.

“Can we go somewhere with snow?”

“Not this close to Christmas. But, maybe next year we can take a trip somewhere that has snow,” Cass says.

“Fine,” she says, her voice small and disappointed.

I tell Cass to go ahead so I can make a phone call.

“Babe. What are you going to do?” Evie asks with a laugh.

“Me? Why nothing, nothing at all.” I grin, holding up the phone to my ear.

“THIS SURE DOESN'T LOOKlikenothing,” Evie says with wide eyes.

“Oh come on, you should have seen the look on her face. You damn well know I had to make it the best Christmas possible. And she gave all her presents to kids in need. You should have seen the look on some of those kids’ faces as she handed those wrapped gifts out. She deserves some snow.”

“Okay, true, that was pretty amazing of her. But I still can't believe you got someone to come here and make snow on such short notice.”

“WOW!” Rosie and Neo both gasp at the same time as they get out of the car. The park we take Rosie to all the time has a little hill and I rented out a machine that you stick giant blocks of ice in and it crushes it up. Now there's a strip of snow down the hill. It's not going to last long so we gotta get moving.

“You wanted snow, so I got you snow. But we gotta move fast before it melts, okay?” I urge. Grabbing the tube, Rosie and I race up the hill, Neo not far behind with his own. “Ready?” I ask Rosie, my face slips into a grin as my adrenaline and excitement mixes together.

“Ready!” she shouts back. The giddiness is crystal clear in her voice.

“Let’s go!” I say, scooting the tube forward until we're sliding down the hill.

We scream all the way down, bursting into fits of laughter as we get to the bottom. Neo isn't far behind, going down on his belly.

We all take turns, going a few times each, adding snow here and there to make this night last a little longer.

“The snow is almost gone,” Rosie pouts.