Chapter 23
“There.” I beam, takinga step back from the tree, admiring my tree topper. “It’s perfect.” It's Christmas Eve, so of course we needed a tree.
“Is that a real skull?” Axel’s gruff voice makes my pussy quiver.God, this fucker needs to get over himself so I can hate-fuck his dick.
“Maaaaybe.” I say playfully.
“And you put a Christmas hat on it,” he mutters.
“Duh,” I say, rolling my eyes. “That’s because it's Christmas.”
“At least the rest of the tree looks normal. But why iseverythingred?” He picks at one of the bows and points at the garland.
“Because it reminds me of blood,” I say. Pointing out the dagger ornament, I inform him, “This isn't red.”
“It has fake blood on it,” he says with a blank face.
“Who said it was fake?” I question, a slow smile creeping across my face.
“Knowing you, it's probably real.”
“Want me to stab you with it, so we can make sure?”
“Why do you always want to stab me?” he growls, narrowing his eyes.
“Why are you always an ass and make mewantto stab you?” I counter back, placing my hands on my hips and cocking a brow.
“Whatever,” he mumbles before walking away.
My hand itches to pull my gun out and fire a few shots at the ground near his feet just to watch him dance like a monkey, but then Rosie comes into the room.Maybe later.
“Wow! It’s so pretty!” she says, the glow of the Christmas lights shining bright in her eyes as she looks up in wonder.
“Now we just have to wait until Santa comes tomorrow night.”
“Mama?” Rosie says looking up at me.
“Yes, love?”
“Can you call Santa and tell him not to bring me any presents this year?”
“Why would I do that?” I ask, crouching down to her level.
“Because I have lots of toys, and I don't play with all of them,” she says. “I want my toys to go to kids who don't have any.”
Cass walks into the living room, looking at his daughter with a proud smile and watery eyes.
“If that's what you want, I think that's a wonderful idea,” Cass says, bending down and scooping Rosie up. She lets out a giggle as Cass starts to kiss her cheek.
“Daddy, you're hairy. It tickles.”
Cass puts Rosie down. “Sorry, Rose Petal, but the beard is here to stay.”
“If it was white, you would look like Santa,” Rosie says, then pokes his belly. “But you don't have a big belly.”
“That's because Dad works extra hard to work off those milk and cookies.” I waggle my eyebrows at him. His eyes go dark with so many promises of what we can do once we're alone. Rosie loses interest in this conversation, leaving us in the room by ourselves. “And...” I say, running my fingers through this beard. “I happen to love your hairy face.” I tug on it, bringing him down so that I can whisper into his ear. “I love it even more when it tickles my pussy,” I purr, then lick the shell of his ear before nibbling on his lobe.