Chapter 22


Thisshouldbe fun. My bodyshouldbe vibrating with energy as I slowly drain the life out of this pig. But, it’s not.Am I going to love every little thing I’m about to do to him?Sure, but it won't be the same.

Seeing that girl laying there, passed out cold with her body exposed, and knowing that monster had his grimy hands all over her makes mefucking livid. It reminds me too much of my own past.

“And...” I say, raising my voice, so he can hear me over the drill. “Lucky for you, your bloodwork came back clean. So, things are about to get a little messy."

Neo clips one of those drool bibs to him, and I snort out a laugh because that won't help shit. He gives me a massive grin that makes my heart flutter. I love that man, I can no longer deny it, and I don’t want to.

“Open nice and wide,” Neo commands.

Eww.For a dentist his teeth are nasty. Taking the drill, I shove it into one of his back molars, pressing down as hard as I can until it's drilling past the tooth and right into his gums. Blood starts to fill up his mouth as I move onto the next one, and then the next until I've damaged them all. His mouth looks like a birdbath of blood before Neo sucks it all out with the suction device.

“Oh no.” I shake my head. “There's no saving those teeth now. Looks like we're going to have to remove them all.” I sigh like I feel bad for him. Tears are running down his cheeks while blood pours out from the corners of his mouth and onto his shirt.

“Look, the bib is working!” Neo laughs. It's really not. His white coat is drenched in blood but there are a few clean spots and those should be nice and white.

“For now.” I grin, enjoying the pure terror in the doctor’s eyes. This must hurt like a bitch. Putting down the bloody drill, I pick up a jar and a pair of rusty pliers. “Hold this for me,” I tell Neo, giving him the jar.

“Hey,” Dean says, coming back into the room.

“How is she?” I ask, pausing for a moment.

“She’s still passed out. I found an office with a couch. She's a few rooms over. I didn't want her to be too far just in case she wakes up."

“Well, let's hope it's not until we're done here.”

“What did I miss?” he asks, moving around Neo to take a look at my patient in the chair. He rears back, cringing at the sight before him. “Oh, well that looks painful.”

“Kinda the point we're going for here.” I grin.

He just smiles and rolls his eyes, moving to take the chair in the corner. “Carry on.”

“I’ll get the small ones, you take the bigger ones?” I ask Neo. His eyes light up and he nods frantically. Grabbing my phone from my pocket, I press play on my phone and place it on the counter, letting the sounds ofGood As Hellby Lizzo make its way through its speakers.

Lowering the chair so it's all the way back, I use the pliers to get a grip on one of his lower small teeth and start to pull. It takes all my strength and a little jiggle before it pops free.

“One down!” I grin, holding up the tooth and dropping it into the jar. It makes a satisfying clink that is music to my ears. Moving on to the next ones, I sing along to the song, bobbing my head. The next one is a little harder to get out, and I can feel each root snap as I rip it free.

When I get to the third one, I have to put my foot on the chair to give me some leverage. “Alright, this is a lot harder than I thought,” I pout, putting the tooth in the jar. “You can do the rest,” I tell Neo, handing him the pliers. I take the suction tube and remove all the blood pooling in the back of his throat when he starts to choke on it. “Don't need you dying before we're done,” I tell him.

“Goodie,” Neo says, pressing the pedal so the man is sitting upright. Neo straddles him and places the jar on the table. “You think the tooth fairy would pay good money for these?” Neo asks, grunting as he pulls one of the molars out. Dean and I share a look.Is he serious?Not wanting to piss him off in case he is, I say, “I mean you could probably get more if he took better care of them, and you know there's also holes in them now.”

“Right. Not worth anything now. Oh well, I can make a necklace out of them.”

I scrunch up my nose. I love this man, but if he plans on giving it to me, I’ll have to let the poor guy down. I will, however, keep them in a jar like I do with everything else.

Grabbing a flat-head screwdriver, I get to work on wedging it under the nail and rip them off his fingers.Why?Because why the fuck not?Have you ever broken a nail?That shit hurts like hell.

Neo and I chat about random things. Sometimes even getting Dean to join in on our conversation as Neo works to pull every last tooth out. By the time he’s done, the dentist is dead, due to drowning in his own blood, and the place is a mess. Fucker looks like an old man with no teeth.

“Can I keep these?” Neo asks, shaking the jar of bloody teeth.

“Sure.” I shrug, because I don't really want them.

“Are we done here?” Dean asks.