I have cars stashed all around the city, and it has come in handy on more than one occasion.

“Alright, time to get to work. You have ten minutes to get me where I need to go.”

I start her up, groaning at the vibrations that run through me as the engine purrs to life. Putting the pedal to the metal, we race out of the parking garage.

The city lights shine bright under the night sky, getting smaller and smaller as I head out of the city towards Kingston Heights, and to where my beastly pet lies.

“Eight minutes,” I say, looking at my phone. “You did me well. You should be proud.” I pat the hood of the car before looking at the dark warehouse I parked in front of.

I start to wonder if Neo is even still here because it’s so quiet, but the distant sound of a strangled scream gives me the answer.

Following the pleading cry, I make my way through the empty building and down into the basement.

“Please. Please. I’ll do anything. You want money? I can get you anything you want. Just, please...” A terrified man begs from a room at the end of the hall.

“Stop talking,” a deep, chilling voice booms back.

I falter mid-step. That's not Neo. Well, I mean, I guess it technically is, but that is the voice of a beast, Neo’s beast. I should really give him a name, or maybe ‘Beast’ is his name.Should I ask him? Or is it rude to assume someone's name isn't their name?

Another scream snaps me out of my inner ramblings. Right, time to stop the sloppy murders and tame the beast before my Pet unknowingly ruins my entire empire.

Not wanting him to know I'm here just yet, I creep to the door and peek around the corner.

Body parts litter the room. As if someone was playing a real-life game ofFruit Ninja,but you know, with people instead of fruit. Looking up, I see fucking intestines hanging from the lights like Christmas garland.Oh! Now there's an idea!Although, it would probably start to stink fast, so maybe not.

The man begs some more, his face all beaten and bloody, with his teeth littering the floor by his feet.

“I said shut the fuck up!” Beast roars, taking a knife and shanking the guy in the neck repetitively as he grunts in frustration. “Shut up, shut up, shut up!” he chants with every stab.

I have to hold back a giggle because now all I can think of is Chandler fromFriendswhen they try to get Ross’s couch up the stairs.God, I love that show.

“You know, if you gagged him that would solve your problem. It would stop the annoying pleading while giving you more time to play, and reduce the possibility of a headache.” I say, casually leaning against the doorframe.

Beast’s body tenses, his hand suspended in the air mid-stab. He slowly turns around to face me.

Fuck me.He’s covered in blood, his face is like a work of art with pretty red splatters across it. His chest is heaving heavily and his eyes are wild and dark, void of anything human. I don't know if I should be turned on, or scared.Maybe both?

“You,” he says, his voice so fucking deep and deadly quiet. It has my hackles rising up and a shiver running down my spine. That’s when he goes from zero to sixty, charging straight towards me with the knife still in his hand.

Fuck! Yup, definitely both.
