“Because I really don’t want blood all over my bar due to you being a dumb bitch who can’t hold her liquor and who doesn’t know how to take no for an answer.”
This might not be one of Queenie’s bars, but people around here know her name, all the same.
Security comes and grabs the woman, who puts up a fight against them as they drag her out of the bar.
“Thank you for that,” Harlow says to the bartender. I hear her dragging a barstool close to me and she takes a seat. “As much as I enjoy putting people in their place, that was not my intent when I came here.”
“Of course. Any time.” The bartender nods, quickly moving on to the next customer at the other end of the bar.
“You found me,” I grumble, taking a sip of my jack and coke, looking up at her.
“I did. Why were you hiding from me,big boy? Didn't you miss me?” She bats her eyelashes.
“As much as a rash,” I mutter. Her eyes shrink into slits as a sneer takes over her pretty, red lips.Damn it, Axel, learn to keep your mouth shut.
“Watch how you talk to me, asshole. I might not have wanted to stab that chick who was rubbing up on you like a bitch in heat, but I’ll gladly make an exception for you,” she coos mockingly, pulling her dagger from its place on her thigh before sliding it up my leg to hover over my crotch.
“Are you jealous?” I ask with a smirk. I really need to shut this shit down and stop drinking because I’m going to get myself killed, or at the very least, my dick cut off.
“No.” She scoffs, but I can see something in her eyes that says differently. Could she really be jealous of another woman's hands on me or is this about someone touching what she thinks is hers? “Trust me, I have no one to be jelly over.” She slips the dagger back into its holder. “Come on. I want you back home where I can keep an eye on you,” she says as she gets up.
“I wasn’t going to fuck her,” I counter, tossing a hundred-dollar bill onto the bar top and following after her, stumbling over my feet.
“Oh, I know.” She grins over her shoulder. “Just like you didn’t fuck the other six women who hit on you in the little bar hop you went on in the past month.”
How the fuck did she know that?I narrow my eyes. “You were spying on me?” I growl out.
“Of course I was silly,” she laughs, opening the driver's side door. “I keep tabs on what’s mine. And sorry to break it to you, you're still mine, big boy.”
I huff, moving around the car to get into the passenger's side of her car. I took a cab here thinking I would be too drunk to drive.
“I should have known.”
“And, even though you didn’t fuck them, you did allow them to touch you. You even danced with a few. You know I can't let that fly, right? You need to be punished.”
She can't just let me live my life, can she? Is it not enough that she already has my brother and cousins by the balls, why the fuck does she still want to control me too? I know it's not because she wants me how she wants them. And something tells me my punishment isn't going to be like Neo’s.
“What are you going to do?” I ask, looking out the passenger window, not really wanting to know the answer.
“You'll see,” she says, looking over at me as we drive away, giving me a sinister smile that has my hackles rising up. I’m not gonna like this; I’m so not going to fucking like this.