I grin as my eyes follow her. “Girl is boss! What can I say?”

“IDON'T THINK HE DESERVESit,” Rosie says as we get back from the little outing I took her on. “You should give him to me.”

Because Neo was so down about not being able to have my eye in a jar, I thought I’d make it up to him with a gift.

“Rosie, you have a duck. She’s enough work, love. I don't think you need another animal. Plus, he will be living with us. You will see him all the time.”

“But he will have three now! Plus, Uncle Neo won't share. I just know it,” she pouts.

“I’ll make him. He always listens to me,” I say, making her smile up at me. We head into the house, and I call out to see where everyone is. “We're back!”

“Where did you guys go?” Cass asks with a smile that quickly slips away when he sees what's in my arms. “No.” He shakes his head. “No, no, no. NO more animals, Harlow!”

“He’s not for me,” I defend. He looks down at Rosie.

“Not mine,” she says. “Mama said no,” she grumbles.

“That man doesn't need anymore! He has two already.”

“I know, but look how cute he is,” I say in a baby voice, holding up the mini, pink pig wearing a tutu in my arms.

“Where's the party at?” Neo asks, walking into the room. His eyes find the pig, and his mouth drops open. “Oh. My. God.”

“This is my early birthday present for you.” I smile, holding out the pig to him. Rosie’s and Neo’s birthdays are only four days apart. I have big plans for Neo's birthday, but it's a surprise.

"He's so adorable," Neo says, taking the pig carefully into his arms. The pig lets out a little snort, making Neo laugh.

I saw this man dripping in the blood of his victims. I don't get how he can go from being like that to this, but it's so stinkin’ cute!

"What are you going to name him?" I ask, giving the pig a scratch under the chin.

“Mr. Bacon of course,” Neo smiles.

I giggle. “Okay, yeah. I love it.”

Neo looks at me, pure love in his eyes. “Thank you,” he tells me, then starts to baby talk to the pig, taking off down the hall, talking about how he's going to make the pig his own room.

“So, another animal living in the house I see.” Cass lets out a defeated sigh knowing it's pretty pointless to argue with me and Neo about... well, anything.Smart man.“Why can't we just get a dog or a cat, like normal people?”

“You're kidding right?” I laugh, biting my lip when I see he’s serious. “Cassy boy, we are anything but normal. Plus, what would be the fun in that?” I grin at him.

“You’re lucky I love you,” he says, then mumbles, “That and I'm afraid of you,” under his breath.

Love.There goes that word again. Why is it when I agree to be something more with these guys, all of a sudden it turns into some rom-com. I mean, I’m not hating it, and they do seem to be okay with me not saying it back... yet.

THE NEXT FEW DAYS FLYby way too fast. I make sure to stop by the club every night to verify that things are going smoothly, but I’ve been spending as much time as I can with Rosie when she’s not in school. Any time left after that I’ve been splitting it between Neo and Evie, even taking some time to stop in to see Sam during the day.

Cass has been busy putting their company back together. He said the only help he needed from me was the money, and he could handle the rest. Which is fine by me, I have enough shit on my plate as it is.

Speaking of shit.“Where’s Axel?” I ask. The guys told me he was out doing his own thing, and that they texted him that I was back. I didn’t think much into it, because as much as I love fucking with Axel, I had too much to worry about.

“He texted this morning that he was staying another night at the hotel,” Cass says, bringing over a pot of mashed potatoes and scooping a spoonful for Rosie, who starts in on them like a wild animal. Neo takes a helping for himself and the two of them stare at each other as they plow into their food, making a competition out of it.

“Rosie,” Cass says, tapping her arm. “Slow down. You're going to choke, sweetie. And you.” Cass glares at Neo. “Stop trying to out-eat a four-year-old.”

“I’m almost five, Daddy,” Rosie says, holding up her hand.

“DONE!” Neo cheers.