“Less talking, more fucking,” I snap, needing the orgasm that's already starting to build.

He lets out sexy wild grunts as he hammers me into the wall, my ass slapping against it while I feel every inch of his cock deep inside me where it belongs.

My nails dig into his scalp painfully, drawing a beastly moan from him as I tug on his hair, urging him on to fuck me harder and faster.

“NEO!” Cass bellows from somewhere within the house.

Neo breaks the kiss, but not his rhythm as he keeps pumping into me. His eyes bore into mine as I desperately plead with him not to stop.

“Ignore him. He will go away,” I pant, knowing damn well that's a lie.

“Neo!” Cass calls again, his voice sounding closer. “For fuck’s sake.” The door flies open, and my head snaps over to a very pissed-off Cass. But his eyes flash with primal need as he takes in the sight before him. His breathing is heavy, and not just from anger. The way his pupils dilate and how his pants are suddenly tighter in his cock area has me cumming hard around Neo’s massive length with a strangled cry.

“Fuck!” Neo moans, following me over the edge, sending jets of cum shooting deep inside me.I fucking love that feeling. Neo looks over and sees Cass watching. “Man, if you wanted to join all you had to do was ask. No need to come bursting in here like the Kool-Aid man,” Neo taunts. That makes me bite my lip, trying to hold back a giggle.

“Don't get all funny with me,” Cass says, snapping out of whatever trance he was momentarily in. “Your llama has Daisy pinned in a corner and bit Rosie when she went to go save her.”

“Alpaca!” We both remind him.

“I don’t give a shit if it's a dancing monkey. You have a little girl crying outside. Get your cock out of our girl, and go fix this before I send that thing back to whatever farm she came from.” Oh, Cass is in ‘angry dad’ mode. And if Neo’s cum wasn’t dripping down my leg right now while he pulls out, I might’ve asked Cass if he would like me to fuck the shitty mood out of him. I mean... would it be too weird if I asked? And him calling me their girl? Yeah, my heart seems to love that shit.

“Fine,” Neo huffs out, tucking himself back into his pants. “Thanks for the cock strangling.” He grins, kissing me quickly on the cheek before rushing out the door, making sure to slap Cass’s ass with a laugh in passing.

“We live in a fucking zoo,” Cass growls.

“Oh, hush. Rosie loves it. Plus, it keeps Neo happy and occupied half the time. I mean, I’ve seen what he can do when he has too much time on his hands. It could be worse.” I cock a brow at him.

“Do you know how hard it was to hire someone to come here and care for them while Neo was off in‘beast’mode?”

“I mean it’s LA. Weirder things have happened.”

“The look on the guy’s face when he realized this was not a petting zoo of any kind was pretty funny,” he chuckles.

“Let me get cleaned up, and we can go make sure no one kills each other back there.”

WHEN WE GET OUTSIDE, Dean is grinning at Rosie, holding a quacking Daisy as she scolds her uncle.

“Susie is a bad girl.” Rosie narrows her eyes on a guilty-looking Neo. “She bit me!” she shouts, holding up her hand, showing us the red teeth marks on the back of her hand. Thankfully there's no broken skin. “And she made me cry.” But Rosie doesn't look sad anymore. No, she's all feisty right now.

“I said I was sorry, Rosie Posey,” Neo says, crouching down. “Susie is just adjusting to having me back. She's acting out.”Is he really making excuses for his alpaca?

“I don’t care!” she huffs out, then puts Daisy down. Daisy ruffles her feathers, letting out a quack before biting Neo on the knee and waddling away.

“What the heck!” Neo shouts, looking at the duck in shock before turning back to Rosie. “Your duck just bit me.”

“So?” Rosie puts her hands on her hips. “Your alpaca bit me. Payback's a witch,” Rosie sasses, jutting out her chin before turning on her heel and following after her duck. Neo just stays there, kneeling and blinking in shock.

“Damn, she can be mean,” Neo says as he stands.

I can't hold back my grin anymore. “I’ve never been so proud of her in my life,” I say before I burst out laughing.

“Dude, you just got owned by an almost five-year-old,” Dean chuckles.

“Don't mess with a girl’s duck, that's all I gotta say.” Cass is fighting his own grin.

“Where the heck did my sweet little Posey go!” Neo grumbles. “I want her back.”

“Not sure if that's possible, dude. Her mother is starting to rub off on her,” Dean says, giving me an amused smile.