Chapter 1


Taking a step outside, I let out a happy sigh while closing my eyes and taking a deep breath of air, letting the sunshine warm my skin.

I fucking hate airplanes.What was supposed to be a five-hour flight ended up being twelve: Twelve fucking hours of being in airports or in the air. I should’ve taken my damn private plane, but with my return to the real world being on such short notice, it wasn't an option.

“I heard there was a Queen in need of a lift?”

My eyes snap open and I look over to find Lucas leaning against a black Range Rover with his arms crossed, and a cocky smirk plastered across his face.

“Eeekk!” I let out a girly squeal, dropping my bags, before running over and jumping into his arms. He lets out a grunt of surprise followed by a laugh.

“Well, this is nice and unexpected. Missed you too, Queenie. I think that little trip of yours made you soft.”

Detaching myself from him and placing my feet on the ground, I scowl at him. “Take that back!” I hiss at him with a fast jab to his abdomen, making him grunt in pain. “I amnotsoft. So what if I’ve grown a little less... stabby for the people that I can tolerate to be around. Doesn't mean I still won't stab someone for looking at me funny.” I let out a huff, jutting out my chin and crossing my arms over my chest.

“Don't worry, I believe you,” he chuckles.

We walk over to my bags and put them in the trunk before getting in.

“So where to?” he asks, pulling away from the curb.

“The Ritz. I called ahead, they have my regular room ready for me,” I say, looking out the window as we drive.

“You don't wanna come back to the club?”

“Not right now. I need to find Neo, I know he's not at home. Once I get him under control, I’ll come back and see everyone.” I turn to look at him with a smile. “I missed all of your ugly mugs.”

He lets out a laugh. “We missed your scary, crazy ass.” He glances at me. “It’s not the same without you, Harlow.” He uses my real name now that we're in private.

“Well, not to worry, I won't leave like that again. At least, not for that amount of time,” I take off my sandals, and put my feet up on the dashboard before moving the seat all the way back to lie down. Closing my eyes, I groan, enjoying the stretch of my sore muscles.

“Eww. Do you mind getting your feet off my dashboard? I just got it cleaned yesterday,” Lucas complains.

Cracking an eye open, I reach for my dagger strapped to my thigh and hold it up. The sunlight gleams off the metal, showing just how shiny and sharp it is. “Do you want a dagger to the thigh?” I ask sweetly. Dude might be like family, but being cramped in a plane for hours has me sore and cranky.I get stabby when I'm cranky.

His eyes go wide as he looks from the road to the dagger, then back. “Y–you know what? It's t–totally fine, I can wipe it off later,” he stutters. He knows I won't kill him, but if he pushes me enough, then I might just hurt him.

“Thought so.” I grin, closing my eyes again. It’s nice to be back.

“THANKS FOR PICKINGme up and driving me here. Mind not telling anyone else I'm home yet? Only Evie knows,” I ask as he opens the trunk to hand me my bags.

“Yeah, for sure, but, Queenie...” Lucas starts. I glance at him, noticing that he looks nervous as he scratches the back of his neck and shifts from foot to foot. “Don’t think I'm telling you what to do, because I never would, but the club... Well, it’s not doing bad... But it's not like it should be either.”

“What do you mean?” I growl, my body tensing as I glower at him.

“Well, Evie’s been doing her best to keep things running smooth, but the girls haven't been listening to her. She tried to put her foot down, but it doesn't have the same effect as when you do it to get them in line.”

With a frustrated sigh I slam the trunk close and say, “I swear, if I have to fire them and kick them out, l will. Disrespecting Evie doesn't fly with me and they know it. When I get the Neo situation under control, I’ll deal with them. If I need to do a club clean out, I will. They have been getting too cocky and comfortable for my liking. I know they had a horrible life before we got out, but that doesn't mean they can be cunts.”

Saying goodbye to Lucas, I storm into the hotel, now in a very pissy, stabby mood.

“Excuse me, miss, you can’t just go in there without checking in,” the hotel clerk says.

Whipping around, I bare my teeth at him, giving him a low growl from deep within my throat. His face pales and he swallows hard, saying nothing more as I continue up to my room.

I don't need to check in. I fucking own one of the damn rooms here. Nothing overly fancy, but nice enough to have when I need to just get away.