“What about you two?” She turns her scary eyes to us. I hold my hands up in surrender.

“I’m cool with it,” I say. “I'm willing to share as long as I get you too. I told her the same thing.”

“You knew too?” Harlow huffs. I go to say something but she holds up her hand. “Nope, don't wanna hear it. Doesn't matter anymore.” She turns her attention to Dean, cocking a brow.

“I don't get an opinion. I know I haven't really earned it yet. But I do plan on showing you that I want to be with you and that you can trust me not to hurt you again.” By the longing look in his eyes, it’s clear to everyone how sincere he is. He’s been a little lost without Harlow too.

I know they had sex. When Harlow was gone, Dean got drunk and lost control a little bit, blabbing everything to me. I was wondering what he did to get that bullet hole in the shoulder.Fucker deserved it.He was lucky she took pity on him. But I’ve seen what he's like when circumstances are out of his control. It is rare and not very pretty.

“Good.” She nods her head. “Sit,” she tells me, pointing to the table. I smirk, obliging her request. “You too.” She looks up at Neo who's practically glued to her side.

“Family meeting?” Neo grins. “Nice.” He takes a seat next to me, nudging my shoulder in excitement. So much happiness is radiating off him right now, it's weird but kind of cute to see this bloody, deadly man all sunshine and rainbows.

“So, first off,” she says looking at me. "Hi." Her voice softer than normal.

"Hi. I missed you." I smile, and lean back into my chair, relaxing while I watch my girl. That's right. Eight years later and I get to call her mine again.

"I guess I missed you too." She stares at me and bites her lip. Her eyes shift from me to Dean when he clears his throat. "And you too, Daddy Dean," she says in a sultry tone making Dean's eyes flash with arousal as he shifts in his chair while adjusting his pants.

"Let's talk about this," she says, gesturing between us. “I went away to deal with all these new... feelings that Cass, oh so helpfully, made me realize I had. Thanks for that, by the way,” she sasses.

I just grin at her. “You’re very welcome.” She rolls her eyes, but I can see a smile trying to break free on her perfect red lips.

“Anyways. So, yeah. Some changes are gonna happen. I’ll be living here for one.” Neo lets out a whoop making me shake my head. “That means we will be spending a lot of time together. We can get to know each other, I guess.” She's trying hard not to make this a big deal.

“What about sex?” Neo asks. “I mean, with me, it's a given.” He gives her a cocky smirk. “But what about them?” He hikes his thumbs at me and Dean.

She looks between the two of us. “Well, I mean both of your cocks make me cum like a porn star, so I wouldn't say no if the opportunity presented itself.” She gives us a hungry but playful look. “But, can you guys agree to me being in charge?”

“What if we want to just make love to you. Does it always have to be hard and wild?” I ask. I know she could rock my world, and the idea of being dominated by her in the bedroom has my dick rising from just the thought alone, but what we did before she left? I got to be the one topping her, and it was mind-blowing.

“I want my sex rough, it's what I crave. But I’d be willing to leave that for post-kill fucks. It’s just how it has to be. I can’t do soft and sweet when my body is in ‘Energizer Bunny’ mode. I’d probably explode.” She smirks before going serious again. “But I am the boss, so when I say stop, you stop. Also, keep the flow of communication open so we always know where we stand. Since being with you guys, I’ve become more open. But there are some things that won't change. I’m just too fucked-up. No issue there with me. I love fucking your brains out and making you scream.” Neo wiggles his eyebrows. “But I also love worshiping at your feet and bowing to your every demand.” He licks his lips, gripping his cock, and for a moment, with the way she's looking at him, I have to wonder if she's going to throw him onto the table and ride him right here. Honestly, it would not surprise me if they did. “But, I do remember a certain someone was dripping when Beast wrapped his hands around your pretty slender neck.” Neo's eyes turn dark, and for a moment I could swear his beast was back, hovering at the surface.

Harlow blushes, actually blushes. “That!” She points at him. “Was a special pass, and only for him. Plus, he paid for that,” she defends.

“Don't remind me,” Neo groans out, holding up his bandaged hand. “He’s an asshole.”

“How about we just see how things go, okay? Let this flow naturally. One day at a time. I just wanted you to know you can touch me and I won’t bite your heads off,” she grins.

“But you will bite other things, right?” Neo's eyes are hooded.

"Maybe, if you ask me nicely," she says playfully with a flirty smile.

“Alright, I’m going to pick up Rosie from school before you two start a fuck fest in the kitchen,” I say, getting up from the table, and Harlow's eyes light up.

“Oh, oh, can I go with you?” she asks. “Pleeeeeeeeeease,” she begs, folding her hands together and bringing them up to her chest in a pleading motion, giving me puppy dog eyes that match the ones Rosie gives me that gets her everything she wants.

“If I say no, would you listen?” I ask, raising a brow.

She scoffs out a laugh. “Hell no, I was just asking out of politeness. My mind was made up the moment you said Rosie’s name.”

“Thought so.” I chuckle. “Alright, let's go. I know she will be the happiest little girl in the world to see her Mama. She missed you like crazy.”

“I missed her too,” she says looking guilty.

“Hey,” I say, putting my hands on her shoulders. I pause a moment, testing the waters. Dick is still intact, so I guess that's a start. “She's a smart little girl. She knew you would be back. And your nightly calls helped a lot.”

“I hope you know I’m kidnapping her whenever I have free time,” she says seriously. “I’m gonna be so far up that kid’s butt, she's gonna be begging you to make me go away.”