Chapter 7


“She's coming!” Neoscreams as he runs down the hall, sliding to a stop at the kitchen entrance. “She just texted. She’s on her way here, and she's moving in! She's going to spend her first night here. TONIGHT!” A massive grin takes over his face, and it’s so big it looks like it hurts. He’s vibrating with excitement.

I grin at his hyper-puppy energy. I missed him. He’s been gone pretty much the whole time Harlow was. I tried to get his beast under control, but he completely took over Neo, and it took Harlow’s return to be able to get my cousin back.

Thank God, because the way he was going, he was about to get locked up behind bars with a long list of murders attached to his name. Before Queenie came into our lives, Neo hadn't killed anyone.

But Beast is almost as bad as Queenie. Almost, because fuck, that woman is scary as hell. As well as insanely sexy.

“You think Rosie would be down for a slumber party? I'm thinking makeup, hair, and nails,” Neo says, sitting down at the table. He only lasts a moment before he jumps back up and is on the move again. “Oh, what about board games and a movie? Or—”

“Neo, man, chill.” I shake my head. “Let’s just see how the day goes, okay? This is all new to her, and even if she might not show it, she must be very stressed. She went away to deal with her own head and came back to a shit show. Let's not scare her off.”

Dean lets out a huff. “I don't think scared is something I'd describe Queenie as.” He walks over to the coffee maker, making himself a cup. Black.Gross.

“No, in normal circumstances I’d agree. But this whole commitment and relationship thing, it's uncharted territory for her. She hasn’t been with anyone in that way since... well, I guess since me.” And fuck, did that end in a colossal fuck up. Not on my part in any way, though. If I had the choice, we would have been married within the first year of college and had five kids by now. But then, that would mean I would have never met Rosie’s mother, and as horrible as that woman was, she gave me the greatest gift I could ever ask for. So, even if life was hell for all those years, I would do it all over again to keep Rosie, changing a few things on my part after she was born.

“Right.” Neo nods and snaps his fingers. “You're right.”

“So, I’m guessing you sneaking into her apartment to slip into her bed at night didn't work?” Dean grins behind his cup before taking a sip.

“No,” Neo grumbles, taking a vine of grapes from the fruit bowl, tipping his head back, and plucking a few off with his teeth. “When I got to the club, Roxy said Harlow left with Evie. And then reminded me that Sam lives in Harlow’s place. I don't like that guy.” Neo narrows his eyes at nothing as he stares into space.

“He’s not a bad guy,” Dean says, taking a seat at the table. “I haven't really met him yet, but Axel says he's a good guy. You're just jealous because she took an instant liking to him.”

“Am not," Neo grumbles to Dean. "And how the hell did they become friends? When did they become friends?” Neo asks.

“No clue, but Axel seems to be less...” I start.

“Of an ass.” Dean finishes for me. He is completely right.

“Who’s an ass?” Harlow’s voice has us all looking towards the kitchen door. That sneaky little thing, I didn't even hear her come in, and of course, she still has a key; plus all the codes to the system. We didn't change anything, in case she wanted to come home early. "And is it one I can kick? Or bite?" She wiggles her eyebrows.

“Axel,” Dean answers her.

"Then kick it, it is." Harlow grins, as if literally thinking about kicking Axel’s ass.

Neo’s face lights up again as he races over to Harlow. He scoops her up into his arms, spinning her around, and making her laugh out loud. She’s so beautiful when she's genuinely happy. “I missed you,” he says into her neck before peppering kisses all over her face.

“I saw you two days ago, you dork.” She giggles and pushes him back.

“Yeah, two days is too long. I'm thinking of just assigning myself as your bodyguard, and sticking with you twenty-four/seven,” Neo says, looking like he's not kidding one bit. Knowing the fucker, he probably isn't.

“Okay, that's not happening. I don't need anyone watching over me. I can take care of myself, thank you very much. Also, I don’t think Evie would enjoy you being there while we fuck.”

Neo’s eyes go wide, Dean chokes on his coffee, and I bite back a smile. About time, that poor girl looked miserable anytime she saw one of us with Harlow.

“You...” Neo says, slowly as his brain processes things. “And Evie?”

“Yes,” Harlow snarls, suddenly getting defensive, putting her hands on her hips as she gives him a death glare. “Do you have a problem with that?” Her voice is deadly, and he better be careful with how he answers.

“No. But she better not get more time than me,” Neo pouts.

“I’ll try my hardest to make sure everyone gets a piece of me, okay?”

“Alright,” Neo grumbles. I know he wants to go in ‘full obsessive mode’ right now, but he knows he might risk all the progress he’s made with Harlow, and that’s too important for him to fuck up.