“Change of plans. Let’s get your hand cleaned up then take this poor man, who was sadly born with no brain cells, down to my playroom. I know his mother must have dropped him on his head one too many times for him to be this dumb. Dumb enough for him to think he has any chance of living after talking to me like that, but I sadly can’t give him a pass for his mother's shitty parenting.”

“With pleasure, my Queen,” he says, jumping up, and dropping a kiss to my cheek. “But that's already been taken care of," he says, handing over my bloody dagger that was in his hand. I give him a raised brow.When the fuck did he bandage up his hand?

Like he read my mind, he answers, “Took care of it while the popcorn was popping. You were a little distracted.” I grin and he smirks back at me before bending down to grab the guy, causing him to cry out in pain as Neo tosses him over his shoulder. “Enough of that.” Neo smacks the guy on the ass. "Take your punishment like a good little boy.”

What a fucking nut.But he's my nut.

Putting the bloody dagger in its holster, I turn back to the girls and give them my best death glare. “Now, does someone want to tell me what the fuck is going on?” I growl.

“I’m so sorry, Queenie.” Alex starts to sob, her eyes filled with so much regret and pain.

“Who was that?” I ask.

“I met him around the time you left. I went out with some of the girls to a restaurant on the south side of the city. Micky and some of the other members were there. He seemed nice, and offered to pay for my meal.”

“Are you daft?” I blink at her like I must be hearing her wrong. Alex isn't one of my girls from my darker days, but she is one I saved along the way. She should know better than to trust a pretty boy with a flashy smile. “You thought it was a good decision to get with an MC member because he called you pretty and bought you food?” I mean if Neo or Cass did that, I’d probably fuck them right then and there, but we’re not talking about me.

“I’m sorry! It’s been a while since I met a guy. With work and not allowing outsiders within the compound, I’m left with little to no options for dating. And guys from dating sites tend to be sketchy.”

I laugh. “And you think someone like him isn’t? You should know better.”

“I know.” She hangs her head.

“What has he done to you since I’ve been gone?”

“At first, I went to his place. It was fun in the beginning. But after the first week, my shifts started picking up, and I didn't have much free time. He didn't like that, so he started coming here. He would stay during my sets and leave after for the first few days, but then he started staying after-hours. I tried to tell him it was a bad idea. I told him to leave but...”

“But he manipulated you into seeing his way of thinking didn't he?”

“Yeah. He's a hard person to say no to.”

“Did he ever force you to fuck him?” My tone is bordering on deadly. She doesn't say anything, just cries harder. “Did. He. Rape. You?” I ask. She breaks down as Lexie takes her into her arms. She looks up at me with a shocked look in her eyes. That’s all the answer I need. Her reaction tells me this fucking fucker is gonna die a slow and painful death. Rape one of my girls? You're in for one of my extra special playdates.

I lift her chin so that she can look me in the eye. “I'm so sorry.” I put my forehead to hers, letting out a sigh. “I promised to protect you, and I failed. Never again.” She wraps her arms around me, and I let her. “Where’s Evie?” I look to Lexie, soothing Alex while rubbing her back.

“She went home for the night. She got upset when the others didn't listen to her.” Lexie looks nervous. “I tried to help, but they just told me to fuck off.”

“Why didn't the guys do anything?” I growl, swinging my gaze to Max who's standing by the entrance to the back rooms. He looks frightened, and rightfully so.

“We did try, but they gave us the same attitude. There’s only so much we could do.”

He has a point.

“Lexie, take Alex home. Stay with her, help her. I’ll stop by when I can. I wish I could be there right now, but I have a fuck ton to clean up.”

“Yeah, for sure.” Lexie nods, wiping her eyes from the tears that are starting to well.

“Alex, babe, are you okay with that?” Alex nods against my shoulder. Lexie gathers her against her side and starts to head out.

“Now. You girls wanna tell me in more detail?”

Penny, Lola, and Ruby all tell me that some of the girls, none that were held with Evie and I, have been taking advantage of me being gone. Not obeying any of the rules. Giving Evie lip and acting like they run this place.Nope, that’s not gonna fucking fly in my club.

Saying good night, I head into the staff lounge where I was told they have been since closing, not bothering to help clean. These girls better hope they don’t meet the end of my dagger because I’m coming down from my post fuck high, and that fucker from before has me excited for blood.

“Hello, ladies,” I greet with a big grin painted on my face as I enter the room. The place reeks of weed and liquor bottles litter the table. They are all stoned out of their minds, still in their dance outfits, and sprawled out on all the furniture.

“Oh, fuck,” Amy says. The other girls' gazes all snap to mine. Their faces fall, and real terror takes over.