Chapter 23


Things with Harlowhave been kind of weird after that night at the club. When she's over, spending time with Rosie, she doesn't talk to us. We go into work, do our job, and then come home. Neo even said she's not as fun and playful as she normally is, but even so he loves to rub it in that the sex is still as mind-blowing as ever.

I think what happened with the three of us has scared her off a little. Or at least made her rethink things. I hope this isn't a step back. I'm willing to give her all the time she needs; that’s why I haven't told her that I want to be something more than just friends in fear of freaking her out. She's not ready for any of that just yet. We’ve been back in her life for a few months now, but that doesn't erase the years of her thinking that Neo and I are as much to blame for getting rid of her as Dean and Axel are.

But I won't draw attention to it. I'll keep going on as normal and hope that everything works out in the end.

God, how pathetic do I sound? I'm stupid to have any hope at all, but that's what love does to you. It blinds you, consumes you, chews you up, and spits you out in the best way possible.

“Daddy, when is mama coming back?” Rosie asks. For a moment, my heart stops, thinking she's talking about Briana. “She told me she would be over yesterday. I miss her,” she pouts.

“Well, mama has been really busy with work, but we are about to go to her place now. Penny is gonna watch you since Daddy and your uncles have to do a few things around the club.”

“Yay! I like Penny. She does my makeup,” Rosie says excitedly, jumping up from her spot on the couch and running down the hall in the direction of her room. Awesome, my four-year-old is wearing makeup. I’ll have to mention something to Penny. Rosie is way too young for that.

I help Rosie get ready and load her into the car. “Wait!” Rosie shouts just as I’m about to buckle her into her car seat. She wiggles her way out and climbs past me, running back into the house. A minute later, she comes back with a big grin on her face and that damn duck in her arms.

Good thing I love my daughter more than my own life because I now know why that man wanted to off that devilish bird.

She hates men, alright. I have permanent bruises on my ass and ankles matching the number of times she’s bitten me.

Rosie finds it hilarious when Daisy chases us around the house, flapping her wings and quacking at us.

She seems to love Harlow and Rosie and any other woman. Rosie will no longer go anywhere without her pet duck. And even though that bird is Satan reincarnated, I love how much Rosie has opened up since her new, little friend came into her life. Although it’s not the most conventional pet, her therapist thinks it seems to be helping her to heal, bringing her out of her shell. The one she created to protect herself from her monster incubator and that disgusting bastard of a so-called step-dad, as well as all the vile things they did to her.

I can't even allow myself to think about it. I went to one session with my own therapist, thinking it would help, but it only made me so enraged that I ended up trashing the whole basement. We had to get all new pool tables and re-stock the liquor cabinet.

The guys said nothing, just cleaned it up as I slipped my mask back in place. I need to be strong for Rosie right now. I can't afford to break down and lose myself.

I'm not ready to go back for more therapy. Not yet. It's still too fresh, too soon, for me to talk about any of it without erupting again. But Rosie’s therapist said that she already seems to be forgetting what happened. She's still so young that unless asked, it's not on her mind, which I’m beyond grateful for. I'm not sure what her therapist plans on doing, butIwon't be bringing it up.

“We almost left Daisy behind!” she says, snapping me back into the present and away from my disastrous thoughts. “Sorry, Daisy,” she says, kissing the duck on the head. It lets out a quack and nuzzles its head against her neck, making Rosie giggle, and damn if my heart doesn't do a damn flip. I would do anything she asks, no question. And I know Harlow would do the same.

Chuckling, I shake my head, and Rosie climbs back in. She puts Daisy on the seat next to her, so I can buckle her in. Daisy nips at my hand, and I snatch it away, shaking out the sting. “Little bastard!” I hiss.

Rosie’s eyes go wide, and she lets out a gasp. “Bad word!” she shouts, giving me a scowl. I think I shocked the girl because I rarely use bad language around Rosie. Axel and Neo typically slip up, not me.

“Sorry, sweet girl, but she hurt Daddy's hand,” I apologize while handing her a dollar bill from my wallet. Rosie takes it, then looks from my hand, then to Daisy.

“That's not nice!” she scowls at her duck. “You hurt Daddy. Now say sorry.”

I bite my lips, holding back a grin as my feisty little girl tells off her duck. Daisy lets out a bunch of squawks and then ruffles her feathers.

“That's better,” Rosie nods and looks at me. “She said sorry.” Rosie grins, taking my hand and kissing it where the duck bit me. “All better.”

Fuck, I’m dead. My heart exploded in my chest, and now I'm a puddle of goo. I wonder if Harlow is up for giving Rosie a brother or sister someday.

WHEN WE GET TO THEclub, Rosie grabs her little friend and races for the front door. Once we’re inside, she puts Daisy down. “Mama!” Rosie yells excitedly. Harlow is at the bar talking to a few girls, and when she hears Rosie, her head snaps over to look at her. A megawatt smile takes over her beautiful, delicate face, as she opens her arms. Rosie races across the room and launches herself into Harlow's waiting arms.

Harlow hugs Rosie right to her. “I missed you, my sweet girl,” she says, kissing the top of Rosie’s head.

“You didn't come over in forever!” Rosie wails, pulling back from the hug to look at Harlow's face.

“I know, Sweetie. Mama’s sorry. I’ve been super busy, but I promise to tuck you into bed tonight, okay?” she smiles, rubbing her nose against Rosie's, making her giggle.

“You should just live with us,” Rosie says.