“Well, your lack of enthusiasm is kind of insulting,” she pouts. “But I’ll tell you anyway,” she shrugs. “I love games. Do you love games?”

“Like board games?” the guy asks, confused.

“Well... no, not exactly.” She looks up at Neo. “Remind me to try that sometime, though. Strapping them to a board could be fun.”

“How about a board attached to a wheel? Like those knife throwers in the circus,” Neo grins.

Harlow's eyes go wide with excitement. “Oh my god!!” she squeals. “Yes, yes, yes. We have to do that. That would be so much fun!'' She wiggles in her seat, doing a happy dance. “And we can use it for everything! Throwing stars, daggers, shooting practice...” she lists off a few more things, and I grin at her fucked up excitement for torture methods.

“Queenie,” I chuckle.

She looks at me, blinking a few times. “Huh?” she asks.

“You're getting off track a little,” I smile.

“Oh right, my bad,” she giggles. “New ideas excite me.”

I smile and shake my head.

“Anyways, back to my point. I love games, and I would very much like to play one with you.” Her grin turns sinister. “Do you wanna play a game?” she says in a half decent Jigsaw impression. I smother my chuckle, as does Neo.

“No,” he whimpers.

“Well, too bad for you,” she starts laughing, and Neo joins in. The guy starts to fucking cry, and all I can think isthank god, I’m on her sidebecause fuck, she’s terrifying right now. Add Neo in, and it's like I'm looking at a real-life Harley Quinn and the Joker.

“So, here's the game. I'm gonna ask you stuff; you're gonna answer. For every lie or question you can't answer, I stab you in the leg, simple as that. Got it?” she quips.

“No, please no. I don't know anything, I swear!” the sad, little, fat man cries.

“Ready?” she sings.

And for the next 30 minutes, Harlow grills him, leaving him with multiple stab wounds in each of his legs that are gushing blood. Neo ends up stuffing that stripper's underwear, which she left behind, into the guy’s mouth to muffle his screams. I pointed out that he can't answer her questions if he can't speak, but she just waves me off and keeps doing her thing. Who am I to question her?

During our little torture session, Harlow forced him to sign everything over to her. Well, more like to Ruby Snow, her alias, that Miller helped her get set up. It’s what the professional business world knows Harlow as.

After a while, he passes out from the blood loss, and even slapping him in the face does nothing to wake him up.

“Well,” Harlow sighs and looks up at me. “He really didn't know anything.” She shrugs, then takes out her gun, raises it to his head and shoots him between the eyes.

“But, he was raping his dancers, so at least this little playdate wasn't a complete waste of time. I could have saved him for the next D-Day, but why waste a good opportunity.”

She bends over and grabs a set of keys from the guy’s pocket.

“Come on, boys, I'm pumped up and ready to go. I feel like dancing.” She gives Neo a wicked smile, which he returns.

“Fuck, My Queen, you dirty girl,” Neo groans.

“Sometimes, being clean all the time can get a little boring,” she winks with a giggle. We leave the office and Harlow locks it behind her. She takes out her cell and makes a call.

“Clean-up crew is on the way, I’m sending Axel out to wait for them by the back door,” she says when she gets off the phone, then sends my brother a quick text.

“Come on, you two, let's dance,” Harlow says.

“Both of us?” Neo asks with a surprised look.

“Yes, both. Is that a problem?” she bites her lip seductively, and I feel like I'm missing the meaning of the little telepathic conversation that they have going on right now.

“Nope. Not at all,” he grins.