“No, but pretty damn close. You need to let your other side out more, or you're gonna keep losing control like this.” Dean doesn't look too happy about the situation, but I am.

“Ah, give him a little ice and let him sleep it off.” I wave my hand at him in a dismissive movement.

“You're kidding, right?” a guy asks seriously as he and another guy help the poor sap on the ground.

“No?” I answer.

They help their buddy off the stage, and we follow.

“I’m up next,” Axel says, hopping into the ring and bouncing around, punching the air. Fucker is drunk off his ass, and I can't wait to see how this plays out.

A guy steps into the ring and Axel starts trash-talking him.

The bell rings, and the guy is on Axel, immediately pounding into him good. Let's just say, this fight is over before it even really started. With one last punch in the face, Axel goes down like a sack of rocks.

The guy gets called as the winner, and the crowd boos about wanting something longer.

I loved it. Watching the cocky bastard getting his ass handed to him. I love him, he's family, but the guy has been nothing but a dick since Harlow came back into our lives.

Laughing, I hop back in the ring and help him up. I'm sweaty, covered in blood, and just want a shower. I'm over tonight. As much as I’ve enjoyed this, and being back here, what I really want is to go back home to Harlow. I miss her crazy ass. Also, what if I'm missing the opportunity of a good dicking? It’s a downright shame if I am.

“Come on, you lightweight.” I smack Axel's face to wake him up. His eyes blink open slowly. And he looks at me, squinting.

“Did I win?” he slurs.

“If by winning, you mean had your ass handed to you in two point five seconds, then yeah, bud, you got the gold on that one,” I grin as I wrap my arm around his shoulder, helping him down.

“So, I got the gold?” he asks, completely dazed.

I burst out laughing. “Take him, man; I just can't.” I shake my head, handing him over to his brother. Axel starts mumbling something to Cass about winning a gold medal and how now he can go on a world tour.

Want some advice? Don't get smashed before going into a fight. Just... don't.