The bartender freezes, dropping the glass he was cleaning. “I’m sorry, I’m not sure if I heard you right over the music. Did you say Queenie?”

“Umm. Yeah?” Axel questions with a pinched brow, then looks at the woman. “Why?”

“Like Queenie, who runs Evolution?” the bartender asks.


“I gotta go. Bye,” the girl squeaks, taking off in a rush, crying something about being too young to die.

“You have gotta be fucking kidding me!” Axel shouts. “Does everyone know who Queenie is?”

“Yes,” the bartender laughs. “But this is also her club,” he shrugs.

“For fuck’s sake,” Axel growls, downing another drink. “My fucking dick is gonna fall off from lack of sex at this point.” The alcohol makes him more dramatic than normal.

“Nah, dude, that would be from all the jacking off you do,” Neo laughs.

Axel gets up in Neo’s face with a sneer, but Neo just laughs.

“Umm,” a voice comes from behind Neo. It’s the guy in charge of the fights. Neo turns to look at the guy, making him take a step back when Neo smiles creepily at him.

“Oh look. It’s you. Find me someone I can fuck up?”

“Yes,” the guy clears his throat, “but we're gonna need to find you someone else to fight to make it even.”

“I'll do it,” Axel says. “Pairhimwith someone else, and I'll take whoever that person was up against because I’m not fighting my cousin, no matter how fucking annoying he is.” Axel won't be fucking anyone up. He's had too many drinks to be able to win a fight with a clear head, no matter how good he is, because this club doesn't just let anyone fight. You gotta be good enough to draw in a crowd. I say nothing to stop him. Maybe a good ass kicking will do him some good, or not. Either way, I'm gonna enjoy watching the asshole get his ass kicked for once.

“Oh... um, okay, yeah, sure I can do that,” he says, taking a look at the sheet. “I can put you up against Jimmy Vic,” he says, looking at Axel. “And you against Rob Nelson.”

“No idea who the fuck you’re talking about, but you got yourselves a couple of fights.”

“You're on in five,” the guy instructs Neo. “And you're right after him,” he tells Axel.

Our day started with burying a body in the ground, and from the looks of it, it might be ending by adding two more.


IHAVE SO MUCH ADRENALINEcoursing through my veins right now that I'm going to explode if my fist doesn't meet this cocky fucker’s face here in a minute. Dumbass looks so stupid, growling like a rabid dog. Bitch, you're 5’8”, and you look like you live in your mama's basement.

This fool starts beating on his chest like a gorilla, and I can’t help but burst out laughing. He doesn’t appreciate it because the moment the bell rings, he swings out in rage, and that’s a dumb move on his part. I duck his right hook, punching him in the gut. He lets out a pained noise before stumbling back. I whoop, bouncing back and forth on my feet, taunting him.

Okay, this is fucking pathetic. One hit and he already looks out of breath.

“I’m a little offended that this is what you gave me,” I crow. The guy lets out a roar before running at me, but I trip him easily and send him flying to the ground.

“This has gotta be some kind of joke,” I yell at the crowd. “Where’s the cameras; I must be on some kind of prank show.”

The crowd wants a good show. Some are cheering, others aren’t, but at this point I know who they are rooting for.

Fuck it. My beast wants out, and this place has no rules, other than when your opponent taps out, you win. Does everyone care or listen? No. Will I? Probably not. I mean, I won’t kill the fucker... probably. But he came here, and this is the risk you take when you get in this ring.

He gets up, fury in his eyes, and charges at me again. I punch him in the face, then grab his head and knee him in the stomach.

Over the next few minutes, I pound into him, throwing him around from one side of the ring to the other, really letting loose. I feel free, alive, unleashed. Like I'm invincible and no one can touch me.

Arms come around my waist as Dean and Cass pull me off the guy. I fight against them at first until I see the whole club is silent.

Everyone stares at me with terror in their eyes. I look down at the guy, whose face looks really fucked up. “So... did I kill him?” I ask, raising a brow and looking around. Dean bends over and checks his pulse.