When we get down to the club, some of my girls are getting the stage set up for tonight’s show.

“You dancing tonight, Queenie?” Lola asks as she hops off the stage.

I take a moment to think.

“I think you should. Would take your mind off Tracy for now,” Evie says, taking a seat at the counter next to Roxy, who's behind the bar, setting up.

“Tracy has a solo tonight, doesn't she?” I ask Evie.

“Yeah,” Evie makes a face.

Evie’s right. I need to do something to keep my mind off shit, or I’m gonna lose my mind. And I guess there's no killing tonight, which is pure and utter bullshit.

“Yeah, why not. It’s been a while since I did a solo,” I say, and the whole room starts to cheer. I can't help but smile.

“Alright, back to work,” I sing.

The TV behind the bar starts playing the news, grabbing my attention.

“Two more women have gone missing this week. That makes a total of four young women in the last four weeks... LAPD is working hard to find out what is....”

I don't hear anymore; just look at Evie. She has a guilty look on her face.

“Did you know about this?” I ask.

“Not about these two new girls. I promise,” she defends.

“E,” I warn in a low tone.

“Low. I wanted to get more information. Bad shit happens on that side of town all the time. Could have just been a few runaways.”

“Doesn't seem like that to me.” I raise a brow.

“I'm on it,” she sighs and heads back to her office.

I start pacing, my mind going a mile a minute. I want to go hunting. Not only is it possible that one of my girls is missing, but four other women have also vanished. It's not like me to sit back and do nothing.

I get out my cell and call Miller. “I'm already on it,” is how he answers the phone.

“Miller, I swear, if it's what I think it is, you know I can't stay out of it,” I growl.

He sighs. “I know, and when I find out more, I'll let you know first.”

“I'm giving you one week. If you don't have anything for me, and Evie can't find shit, I'm taking this into my own hands. And I have enough shit to deal with as it is.”

“Like leaving me presents in the form of two grown men?” he replies blandly.

“Whatever do you mean?” I say, with a smile in my voice.

He chuckles. “You can't take out everyone who looks at you funny.”

“Try me, buddy. I can and I will. Just sit back and watch,” I sing.

“You don't pay me enough for this shit,” he sighs.

“I don't pay you at all,” I laugh.

“Well, maybe you should,” he counters.