Chapter 29


The elevator dingsand the doors start to slide open at a painfully slow pace. It’s taking everything in me not to kick open the fucking thing. I'm fuming. I am so enraged that I may need the guys to keep me from murdering the whole damn building.

These old-timey sacks of shit thought they could pull one over on me? Well, I guess in a way they did, because they did manage to start a whole new, fucking trafficking ring right under my nose. God, don't ever tell this to the guys or any breathing soul, but I feel really fucking embarrassed and stupid for not knowing what was going on and allowing them to make it this far.

But don't worry. That all ends today. I have very exciting plans for these geezers. Hope they enjoyed whatever pathetic excuse of a life they were living because that all ends today... Or tonight.

The guys are quiet behind me as I storm into the building. Quiet, but alert and aware. Not that I’d need them to watch my back or anything. It’s just who they are.

The guys trail behind me as I plaster a big smile on my face, masking my true feelings.

“I’m sorry, ma’am, but they are in a meeting,” a young lady tells me from behind a desk. One of their secretaries. I wonder which wrinkly dick she's sucking? Because I know for a fact that each of these men are cheating on their wives. Fucking scum.

“Bite me,” I say, voice dripping with sugary sweetness. Her eyes go wide, and I keep heading towards the boardroom, where laughing and chatting makes its way through the cracked door.

Neo snaps his teeth at her in a biting motion, making her squeak in fear and rear back on her chair, almost losing her balance and tumbling over. He lets out a deep belly chuckle, and I smile for real. I love my crazy Pet.

“Hello, boys,” I purr, busting the door to the boardroom open. All chatter stops, and each head whips in my direction. Their eyes go wide, and a few swallows hard, the sounds easily noticeable in the deadly silence.

“Queenie. To what do we owe this pleasure?” Riggs finally greets. He puts on a fake smile. I can see it in his eyes. He's pissed at my unexpected arrival but desperately trying to bite down his outrage.

“A little birdie told me that you lot have been very naughty boys,” I tsk. My guys file into the room and take a place against the walls next to the doors. I'm pretty sure it's so no one escapes. They don't know what I'll do, but they are ready for anything.

“And what might this birdie have said?” Richard asks from the other end of the table.

My smile turns wicked. I jump onto the table and strut to the other end towards him, kicking their coffees and waters over as I go, just for the fun of it. They let out gasps and curses as the liquid makes contact with them. I can tell which ones are scalding hot, and I get a sick sense of pleasure at their little cries of pain. Silly men, this is just the tip of the iceberg compared to what's to come.

My heels click against the wood tabletop. When I reach Richard, I squat down in front of him. Thank god, I chose the stretchy leggings for a change because if it was my leather pants, I would probably have a rip down to my crotch right about now from bending so fast. Then I’d have to kill the fucker right here and now for getting a look at my pussy, and I can't have that. I have big, fun,excitingplans for these dudes tonight.

“Well,Dick,it just so happened to tell me all the dark and dirty things you boys have been doing behind my back,” I say, then grab his tie and yank him to me so that we're face to face. “You see, I didn't like that. I thought we had a nice thing going. You guys keep your businesses and everything else all squeaky clean, and in return, I let your pathetic asses live. I thought I was doing you all a solid by not killing you because of who you were connected to by blood or business.” I start to undo his tie as I talk and slip it off of him. He says nothing, refusing to lose eye contact with me, afraid to be caught off guard. “But nooooo, you guys just had to go and take the wrong road, thinking you could pull a fast one on me by keeping everything clean on paper, so that my little birdie couldn't find your secrets. Well, sooner or later, karma comes to bite you in the ass. And guess what?” I ask, voice low. I take his tie and quickly loop it around his neck a few times and fist both ends. I yank my hands in opposite directions, making the tie constrict tight around his neck. He starts to gag, coughing as he scrambles to get the tie loose. I keep my hold on it until he starts to turn blue, and his eyes bug out, but then I loosen my grip. I don't want him dead yet.

I let go, pushing him away from me, causing his chair to topple over. He scrambles to get the tie off, and when he does, he sucks in big gulps of air. “Karma has arrived,” I smile.

I look at the other wastes of space. They all have fear in their eyes, but Riggs, the cocky fucker, has a blank face as if I don't intimidate him. That pisses me off. But I won't take the bait. He wants me to lose it in front of witnesses. To have his secretary call the cops and end me. But little does this fool know that I already have everything planned out in my head, and after this little meeting, I'll be calling Evie to get everything put in place.

“So, be sure to remember that. Just when you think you're safe, when you close your eyes to sleep at night, ask yourselves, are you really safe? Or amIlurking in the shadows?” My smile turns dangerous as I click my way back to the other end of the table. I hop off and head for the door. Just before exiting, I turn around to look at the whole room. “Toodles,” I wave my fingers, my voice perky. Blowing the room a kiss goodbye, I head back to the elevator. My guys follow close behind, none of them has yet to speak a single word.

When the elevator doors close, locking us all into this tight space, Axel goes to speak. I put my fingers to my lips and then point to the camera in the corner of the elevator. He looks, then sighs in frustration, crossing his arms and leans against the wall. Grumpy fucker.

When everyone gets in the car and the doors have been shut, Axel can't keep his trap closed any longer. “What the fuck was that!?” he snaps. “These fucks are doing EVERYTHING that you normally kill someone for. How do you just walk out of there, leaving them alive?!”

I look at him in the rearview mirror, where he sits between Cass and Dean. “Okay, first off. I'm gonna advise you to watch your tone with me because that lovely sized cock in your jeans would make a nice decoration on my mantel,” I warn, voice dripping with venom. He shuts up fast, pupils wide as he puts a hand over his junk. “And second,” my voice goes sugary sweet again. “There were too many people and cameras in there. There's no way I could have killed any one of them, let alone all of them, without being put behind bars by the end of it, and all of you by association. Even Miller can’t get us out of something like that. At least not in time for what I've got planned for tonight.”

“And what do you have planned for tonight, My Queen?” Neo purrs, his eyes glazed over with lust, and his cock is hard in his pants as he daydreams about what I'll do.

“I'm so glad you asked,” I say, voice giddy. “I havebigplans. It’s gonna be one of the biggest, messiest D-Days to date.” I'm bouncing in my seat as I think about all the blood I'll be spilling tonight. “Nothing but the best for the traitors who outright fucked me over. No one makes a fool of Queenie and lives to tell the tale.”

Neo groans. “Fuck me, Mistress. You're gonna make me nut just thinking about it.”

I give him a girly, little smile. “After, I promise,” I giggle, and his smile spreads even wider. He bites his knuckle as he shamelessly checks me out while adjusting his tight crotch.

Dammit, just thinking about the mass murder tonight makes me want to crawl right over to Neo, mount him like a horse, and ride his cock like a mechanical bull, all while his cousins watch and listen as he screams my name.

But no, not now. Gotta wait alittlewhile longer. Too much to do. Too much to plan.

“I want all of you present tonight. Doesn't hurt to witness what could happen if any of you ever decide to fuck me over again,” I say, looking directly at Axel but he’s trying to avoid my gaze. “And not in a fun way,” I wink at Neo. He just gives me a small smile.