“Does Harlow like both men and women?” I ask, looking over at Harlow grinding her ass against one of the dancers, laughing and having fun.

“She doesn't really put labels on things. But I haven't seen her show any interest in a woman. She jokes around and has fun with the girls like she is now, but nothing physical. She says she likes big, fat cocks too much to try anything else,” Evie deadpans, and Roxy bursts out laughing.

My mind goes right to every man she would have been with before Neo, and I get jealous.

“Oh, chill out, jolly green giant,” Roxy laughs. “The only cock she's riding is your cousin’s.”

“Yeah, that makes me feel so much better,” I grumble.

“So, you want her too, then?” Evie asks, nervous of what my answer will be. Harlow isn't just any woman. With everything she's been through, she deserves everything and anything her little, blood thirsty heart desires. I love her, and I want her. But so do my cousins. Axel can deny it all he wants, but he's not fooling anyone. He gets off on the little bickering fits that he has with Harlow. And I'm not deaf; I heard him moan her name as he used and abused that poor cock of his.

I know for a fact that the only reason why Dean is holding back is because she challenges his need for control. She is very Alpha female and demands submission.

But if she feels the same for Evie as Evie does for her, that doesn't change anything about me wanting to be with her. I’m already hoping to share her with Neo. She can be with ten people, and I’d gladly accept it, just as long as I got to be one of those people. It’s not my life to control, after all.

“I'm gonna be honest with you,” I answer her. “Yeah, I do. And so do the others. I can't speak for them, butI'mnot going anywhere. She’s been my whole world from the moment she walked into our junior high school cafeteria. With her long, black hair and that face with those ice blue eyes full of determination that just trap you,” I grin.

“Alright, Romeo,” Roxy laughs rolling her eyes, but Evie just scowls.

“Anyways,” I draw out with a smile. “I want her. I don't care who else she wants to be with, if she even wants any of us, butIwon't give up. I'm not going anywhere, not until she says to my face that she wants nothing to do with me in that way. If that's the case, then I'll just co-parent Rosie with her, but I'm not going down without a fight.”

“Well, I'm not either,” she says with sass, puffing out her chest.Feisty, little redhead, isn’t she?But then her face drops, and she loses her sudden confidence. “That's if she even feels the same way about me,” her voice filled with sadness as her shoulders slump.

“You won’t know if you don’t ask her,” I say, not seeming to care that I'm helping out my potential competition.

“And what if she doesn't feel the same way? What if I spill my heart out, and she rejects me? Only sees me as a friend or sister. Then I ruin everything we've built,” she rushes out, and I can almost feel her heart breaking, just at the thought.

“I might not know this new Harlow that well yet, but I do know, for a fact, that even though all these people work for her, they also mean a lot to her, and she would do just about anything for all of you; you are her everything. So, even if she doesn't feel the same way, you willneverlose the piece of that woman you already have,” I reassure her.

She looks away from me, biting back emotions. “I hope you’re right,” she whispers.

Not wanting her to feel awkward, I change the subject. “So... Rosie started calling you Auntie E whenever she mentions you,” I smirk.

Her eyes light up. “Really?”

“Yup. She loves you almost as much as Harlow. I’m very grateful that she has two amazingly strong women in her life, even if this lifestyle is....”

“A really fucked up, warped version ofAlice in Wonderland?” Roxy grins.

“Yeah, kind of. I mean she doesn't chop off people's heads like the Queen of Hearts though,” I say. And they both look at me with amused grins.

My eyes widen. “Does she?”

“Not normally...” Evie giggles.

“But she has in the past,” Roxy says, laughing when my face pales and I swallow hard. “She sometimes uses the heads as soccer balls too,” she says, then takes an empty can and kicks it in the air mimicking a ball.

Sweet fuck, who is this woman?!

“Just don’t fuck her over or be a vile waste of space, and you'll be fine,” Evie titters, patting me on the shoulder and picking up her laptop, heading towards the back to her cave of an office.

Oh, trust me, I don't ever plan on hurting that woman again for as long as I live.


IT TOOK ME A FEW DAYSto wrap my head around the new changes between Neo, Cass, and I. I also think I'm done distancing myself from them because poor Neo looks like a puppy who got kicked.

I can tell he misses our normal playfulness, and I’ve gotten so used to it that I’ve actually missed it too. I’ve decided to just have fun and enjoy being friends with these guys. Just because I don't trust them with my heart, it doesn't have to mean that I can’t trust them as a friend.Or in bed. They’ve shown how much they want to be in my life, as more than being just my employees, so I’m willing to give them a chance. They all know what’s at risk if they fuck up.