“So, let’s try this just one more time because I really hate repeating myself, and I'm not in the mood. What did we learn here today?” I repeat, mimicking a schoolteacher stare.

“Not to mess with you,” she cries. “Not to look at you, talk to you, or fuck with you.”

“Oh my god! Youdounderstand basic English. I'm impressed,” I nod. “Good. I'm glad we could clear up this little misunderstanding on your part. Don't let it happen again, okay?”

“I'm sorry. I won't ever disrespect you again,” she promises. Something tells me she's full of shit, but I'll deal with that later.

“Good. Oh, and sorry, sweetie, he wouldn't have gone in the back with you even if he wasn't mine. Your breath smells like rank dick, and he has more class than that. Maybe you should try and get some too. Does wonders for personal growth.” I give her a sympathetic smile. I’m just about to let her go, but then I remember something. “Oh, by the way,” I say, grabbing the handful of hair I have even tighter and cutting it off with the dagger. Her eyes go wide, and she lets out another shrill scream. “It's rude to flick your hair at people, you snooty bitch,” I say sweetly, tossing the locks of hair back at her, and hitting her in the face. A few stick to the blood covering her face, and I can't help but laugh at how ridiculous she looks.

The whole club start to break out into hushed conversations. Everyone still has their attention on us, though, so I take this opportunity to address the crowd. Pushing the bitch out of the way, and sending her flying to the ground, I climb on top of the bar.

“Listen up, fuckers!” I holler, cupping my hands. The room instantly falls silent. “Let this be known. Neo Hendrix, Dean Beckett, as well as Axel and Cassius Ledger are MINE. If any one of you dare fuck with them in any way, shape, or form, I will END YOU! Do NOT touch what is mine. Understand?” I say, locking eyes with as many people as I can.

The room breaks out in agreement, and I nod with satisfaction, “Good.” I hop down off the bar and grin at my guys. “Well, that was fun.”

“You know, My Queen. Seeing you be all sexy and badass while knowing my cum is soaking into your shorts is a fucking turn on,” Neo groans, cupping his cock. I bite my lip and grin, looking down at the bulge in his pants.

“You really are a dirty fucker, aren't you, Pet?” I giggle.

“Only for you, Mistress,” he growls, and the sound goes right to my clit.

“Alright, maybe we should go before you two start fucking on the bar,” Cass laughs.

I look at the bar top and bite my lower lip, thinking about it. At that, Cass just laughs harder. I look back at him and grin. Tonight makes me like him a little bit more, but I still don't trust him.

“I’m sorry,” Dean says, taking my attention away from Cass. “She just came up to me. When I told her I was yours, that just made her work harder. I didn't want to cause a scene without knowing what you would want done in the situation,” he apologizes, and I can see he means it.

“You did good. And I told you, by the end of the night, someone was going to be dead, beaten, and fucked. So, check, check, and check,” I say, making check marks in the air with my fingers. He cracks a small smile, and fuck, it makes my heart skip a beat. I'm not used to Dean smiling. He used to, all the time, back when we were kids, but since I’ve been back, he mostly wears a face of stone. Unless it's me testing his control, then it's an irritated scowl. His smile makes him even more handsome, and I have to remind myself that he was the mastermind behind sending me away. I hate him. He is just my property and nothing more.

But then why is he still able to have any effect on me? Damn it! Fuck them, fuck all of them, and not in the fun way!

“Come on, let’s go. I'm full of blood, sweat, and cum, and the high of this whole night is starting to wear off. I need some fucking sleep,” I sigh and take off towards the exit, and the three follow behind.

“Hey,” Axel’s gruff voice comes from around the corner. “What did I miss?” he asks, looking at all of us.

“Oh, you know. Just the same old, same old,” Neo chuckles.

“Did you kill anyone else?” Axel asks with a sigh. “Because the cleanup crew just left.”

“Nope,” I chirp with a big innocent smile. “Nothing a little remodeling won't fix.”

“Do I even wanna know?” Axel asks, raising a brow.

“Just showing everyone what you get for disrespecting me. You know, like I showed you last night,” I smile sweetly, batting my eyelashes up at him, and he cringes.

“So, you stabbed another person?”

“Nah, just bashed her nose and teeth in,” I grin proudly.

THE GUYS AND I PARTways after exiting the Rack Shack.God, that name is really cheesy.Dean’s idea for a new name was actually a perfect suggestion.

I was distracted the whole car ride, just reliving everything that happened tonight.

Being so high off the kill, the bass of the music clouded my judgment. Maybe it was my subconscious letting me know that maybe it's okay to be friends with Cass like I am with Neo. Well, maybe not the friends with benefits part because there's way too much history for that, and it would make everything far too complicated, but spending all this time with him and Rosie has made me stop hating him.

And knowing I still have an effect on him was a big ego boost. Making him cum just by grinding my ass on his cock was the icing on the cake.

But where does that leave us now? I don't trust them. Yeah, yeah, I know I keep saying that, but it's true. I don't trust anyone but Evie. Even though everyone thinks I'm some cold-blooded monster, I'm really not. I used to think that feelings were just a straight path to heartache and destruction, but being a mama to Rosie has opened my heart up in so many ways that I didn't think I was capable of anymore.