Chapter 22


Wow... that was...yeah, I have no idea what came over me. I was so hyped up over killing the creepy perv that the idea of being between both their hard, muscular bodies, being held by one and fucked by the other, was just too tempting to turn down.

I'd be lying if I said I didn't enjoy being in Cass’s arms again. His scent of mint and musk is like a fucking drug.

And I mean, it would have been rude of me to leave him with that impressively sized boner, so I did the nice thing and helped him out. Also, knowing I made him cum in his pants like a teenage boy was fun too.

A very cocky, satisfied Neo and a flushed looking Cass follow me through the crowd to see what Dean is up to.

The sea of bodies part ways for me and the guys. They know who I am, just taking one look at me, and it's a dead giveaway. Also, flashing my crazy ass smirk helps.

When we break from the crowd, my eyes scan the bar, and the blonde bitch from the office catches my attention. She has her fake tits pressed into a man, petting his arm like a bitch in heat. And that man is Dean!

Nope. Not fucking happening. Not today, spawn of Satan, not today.

Masking my fury, I beeline it right for them. He doesn't see me, too busy looking into the drink he's holding and ignoring the chick. I stop behind her, rolling my eyes as she babbles about how she can take him into the back and give him a private show. About how good she can make him feel and how she would be worth every little penny.

Only thing she's able to offer him is herpes.

Now, don't get me wrong. I'm all for my fellow women and supporting them in whatever makes them happy, but I don't agree when they turn on each other, using nasty language or phrases to purposefully put each other down. I refuse to be that kind of woman. That is, unless you piss me off. You wanna disrespect me; you don't get any of my“I am woman, hear me roar!”support. Nah, you get“I'm a crazy bitch, watch me slit your throat!” instead.Okay, so I don’t plan on actually killing her, but I do plan on letting her know that if you fuck with Queenie, youwillpay the price.

Plastering on my sweetest smile, I tap her on the shoulder. She stops mid-sentence and turns to me. “Yes?” she asks before seeing who she’s addressing. “Oh, it's you,” she sneers. “What do you want? In case you can't see, I'm kind of busy,” she sasses.Girl, watch that attitude, or I’ll forget your fucking gender and shove a broken bottle down your throat.

She turns back to Dean, flipping her hair back, Mean Girls style, hitting me in the face. She keeps going on with her conversation, although he's still not paying attention, but his eyes aren't on his drink anymore, they are on me, wide in fear of what I’m going to do to him. He has nothing to worry about, though. I could see he had no interest in this bitch; she's just too full of herself or desperate to see it.

Dean starts to open his mouth, probably to defend himself, but I raise a finger telling him to shush, and give him a wink. He looks at the woman, then back to me and grimaces at her.

She stops talking. “What's wrong? Why are you looking at me like that?” she huffs.

“Look, just remember I warned you. You didn't listen. You only have yourself to blame,” he says, sounding a little sorry for her.

“What?” was all she got out before I reached out to grab a good chunk of her hair and yank her head down so that she is eye level with me. She lets out a shriek but shuts up immediately when she feels the blade of my dagger against her neck.

“You really should learn to listen more. Or is it that you just enjoy hearing yourself talk so much?” I coo.

She whimpers but gives me a dirty look. “Let go of me, you stupid bitch,” she spits, desperately trying to get out of my hold. Fucking dumbass. I cackle like a lunatic as she struggles a little too much, causing my blade to graze her skin, cutting her slightly, and making a bead of blood trickle down her neck.

I tsk, “Now, see what you made me do?” I shake my head.

“What do you want?” she cries, wrenching away from the pain, but she has no chance; my grip is too tight. I’m not letting her off the hook that easily, no matter how much she struggles or pleads with me. This girl needs to be taught a lesson in respect.

“I wantyouto remember who runs this town. You seem to forget that just because I'm known for preferablynotharming women, that doesn't mean that I'm any less of a ruthless killer. I dispose of toxic wastes of space. You need to remember that women can be just as evil as men. I recently dealt with one who was just as bad as the monsters I normally slay. So, I did with her what I do with all of them, I slayed. And I may not kill you tonight, but youwillbe learning a lesson.”

With that, I rip her head back, then smash it down onto the bar top. She howls in agony, sobbing like a little bitch. Her nose gushes blood, and I think I see some teeth on the bar as well.

“Oops,” I giggle. “I may have gone a little too hard there. Sorry about that,” I say with a shrug.

Her hands fly to her face as she screams and yells and starts to draw a crowd. Good, let them look, and hopefully, they will remember who the fuck I am because I won’t tolerateanyonedoubting my authority. They are alive becauseIallow it. They own their little businesses because I say they can. And if anyone else wants to question that like this whiny, little, fake ass bitch, then I saybring it on!

“So, what did we learn today?” I ask, turning my head to the side, leaning my ear in so that I can hear her answer. She doesn't. She just cries harder.

“Noooeh, that's not the answer. You're supposed to say,‘Not to mess with the mother fucking Queen,’ and I wouldn't be opposed to an‘I’m so sorry that I'm a big, fat hoe bag who has no regard for anyone but myself. I’ve been a bad girl, so I need a good spanking,’” I say in a fake girly voice, mocking her annoyingly nasal one.

“But sorry,nospanks for you. I reserve them for My Pet only,” I say, faking disappointment.

“Fuck yeah you do,” Neo grins. I turn to him smiling, and blow him an air kiss while also giving him a wink.